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End of Life or Death Doula

For the many months before we're born, many of our loved ones eagerly prepared for our arrival. Upon starting life there is much gathering, celebration and joy, we're given so much attention! πŸŒΉπŸΌπŸŽ‚

πŸ₯€Is there a way to mirror that connection, gathering, joy and celebration as our life comes to a close?πŸπŸ‚

This is where End of Life or Death Doula's come in and help us create an experience that dignifies and honors our life on Earth and the period after.πŸŒ…

When we humans used to live closer to our clans, tribes and villages, the cycle of life was much more familiar to us and support was all around.

Today our view of death is often associated with violence, pain, illness and most frightening of all, loneliness and isolation. 

There is a way to close the last chapter of your life or the life of your loved one in a meaningful way. What stories and wisdom is there to bequeath? Can death in a family be a force for healing, forgiveness, change or connection? Compassionately approaching our fears around death, aging and the dying process might just change the world…..

I took a mind-opening class on this topic with the lovely Crystal of @thegratefuldeathseattle

Any other End of Life Doulas out there or practitioners working in healing around death and dying?
πŸ“’πŸ“’Speak up or shout others out and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your important work!!

#circleoflife #deathdoula #endoflifecare #celebrationoflife #hospiceheroes
#dyingwithdignity #respectourelders #deathispartoflife