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Moon Reading: Full Moon in Capricorn

Happy Full Buck Super Moon in Capricorn! This moon is called the Buck Moon because it’s the time of year when the antlers of the deer reach their maximum growth potential. Likewise, this moon asks us to take stock of our own potential and use that awareness to manifest  from a place of more clarity, accuracy and authenticity. We’re always working to love ourselves enough to trust our intuition but this month we find the inner strength to actually do that work.. Read on for more full moon insight…

-It’s often more about RELEASE than DO: Capricorn energy is grounded but still buzzes with
“Can Do” energy. Fight the urge to use extra energy this month for unnecessary, even manic, “productivity.” Grinding harder does not facilitate manifestation. Very very very often, RELEASING is what is necessary. You want the dreams you’ve been manifesting to arrive? Create more space by releasing the old, seek sources of peace and maintain your vitality and health with integrity. Fresh blessings, clarity and inspiration will soon arrive.

-Expand your definition of work: You are not your job! Your hobbies, practices/rituals, the quality of your relationships, your points of focus will tell you a whole lot more about who you are than where you’re at in your career or how you get your bills paid.Take stock of what you fill your days with, outside of work, take note of what type of thoughts and vibes you focus on. If it doesn’t align with your head AND your heart, make the necessary adjustments. If it does, find ways to make sure you sincerely celebrate your alignment!

-Self Care as Family/Community Care: We know this, put your oxygen mask on before you help others put on theirs. Still, we subconsciously find it easier to “fix” (aka fixate) on the problems of others than to actually get down and dirty with our own self-care and deep healing. When you’re in other people's heads and hearts, You’re stalling. You are not here to do the work of others (you can’t anyway), you are here to do your own work and anything else is in resistance to remembering your True Nature. In this beautiful time of opposing energies in  Capricorn (focused on others) & Cancer (focused on self) we can strike the most potent balance by making sure our very own cups feel full and sufficient. When our cups are full, love and energy effortlessly flows over to the others who actually need it and actually want to receive it.

Woohoo beautiful full moon blessings ya’ll!! You absolutely, positively have the strength to greet your potential, make no mistake about it, own it, embody it, Make it so! Take deep care of yourself, stay out of people's business/path and you’ll find your dreams show up with what appears to be very little effort. Xoxo Heather Ace

Photo of a person standing in front of a variety of potted plans, watering themselves with a watering can was used from @neurocounsofpa

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