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Moon Reading: Full Moon in Leo

HAPPY FULL SNOW MOON IN LEO!! Set here at the end of quite an expansive Aquarius season. If you faced your shadows in the last few weeks you may find you’ve become a  different person. If not, don’t despair, there is no greater time to whip up some transformational magic than the present moment:). Keep reading below for more full moon insight.

Why So Serious?: If you’ve been laser focused on problem areas, I assure you, more focus on them will not make them go away. Focusing on problems feeds them and traps us in a loop of hypervigilance that gives us a false sense that we’re “doing” something about it. In this Leo moment you’d be better served using your energy the opposite way. Flip the switch. It is the PERFECT time to refocus on what is going well, right, what is aligned. It’s a very subtle shift but try not to “NOT focus” on something, focus on something else entirely. A great point of focus during this Full moon moment would be reconnection. The chronic disconnection we’re all experiencing is fraying  our nervous systems fast, yet, there is a lot of resistance to coming back together again. Let’s ease into this journey back towards wholeness. Practice feelings of freedom, drop heavy loads and look for areas where you can work on release. Do things that make you feel flexible, open. Where can you be more optimistic? Unclench

Show Up: I like to think that we all have *at least* 111 people in the world that could be healed and transformed by the authentic art and wisdom flowing out of us. They need to hear the truth of your specific, nuanced journey, told in the way that you were designed to tell it. Vulnerability is a compassionate hero’s journey.  But it stands true that the more you share your fire, the easier it is to find it and curl up in it’s healing glow.  It’s a daunting journey for those of us that have been patterned to protect our lights instead of shine them out. How brave do you dare to be in this expansive opportunity of Aquarian Leo magic? Turn up.

WOOOHOO this is my moon for sure, my birthday’s tomorrow!! Happy Birthday to Me & Michael Jordan!! I’m rolling into 38 feeling so loved, grounded. I’ve been working on accepting myself more and I feel it paying off, my excitement for the way ahead keeps growing.

Aquarius Love, Leo Fire to everyone!!!!! xoxo Heather Ace

P.S. Looking to get reeeeaaall Leo Full Moon about it? Check out this article I wrote on my love for Dancewalking. It’s up on the Semi Woo Blog and on Medium @heatheraceadams links in my bio.

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