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Moon Reading: Full Moon in Leo

Happy Full Snow Moon in Leo! All the planets are direct and we’ve got an astral break from the planetary rollercoaster of the last many years. But, that doesn’t mean it’s time to pause. The Aquarius Air is blowing up the Leo Fire and that means it’s time to Show UP! Read on for more moon insight…

During this Aquarius season we’ve been thinking Big Picture, we’re not distracting ourselves by getting tangled up in the details. We are taking note of  what makes us feel Passion and using that core feeling to inform our big decisions and approach to significant change. We’ve worked to turn down the dial on “What if, But What About” radio. 

Don’t let your brilliant ideas die on the notepad. During this Full Moon moment you are being asked to up the ante and Show Up. The sign of Leo gives each person an extra dose of confidence and a real craving to be witnessed. Many of us will refuse the invitation so as not to be labeled selfish by others but that would mean we don’t understand what is being asked of us.  We are being invited to SHARE our unique Light & Our Inner Truth so that we may be witnessed and hence reminded of our deep connection to others. By sharing, we also encourage others to share their unique Light & Inner Truth. Authentic Expression/Passion is a fever we WANT to catch and spread! 

Use the full moon to release the hooks that would have you think showing up as who you are is selfish. Selfishness implies you lack consideration? Lack consideration for what? For Whom? Make sure to surround yourself with other unabashed Light Shiners and people on the Passion Path during this full moon moment to keep that fire burning. Positivity will provide power. Incinerate tension by rolling your shoulders back and stepping in your authenticity almost as a dare or challenge for others to follow suit.

Make the idea come a bit more to life, go a little brighter, show just a little bit more and let the chips lay where they may….

WOOHOO!! This is such a low key winter party moon. Shake off N. Hemisphere Winter blues by cultivating vibes of confidence by playing dress up, dancing/singing to power ballads and surrounding yourself with your biggest fans. Have a beautiful Full Moon Moment!!

 Xoxo Heather Ace 

#fullmooninleo #snowmoon #aquariusseason #bigpictureideas #authenticself #shinebrightlikadiamond