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Moon Reading: Full Moon in Libra

Happy Full Pink Supermoon in Libra! This Full Moon is the astrological new year as it’s the first full moon to occur in the first sign of the Zodiac Calendar. The name of the Aries-Libra game is Me vs. We and you may be feeling that deep polarity in a myriad of, let’s just say “Activating” ways. Read below for more full moon insight:

Allow Yourself and Others to Be Multi-Dimensional: When you feel like you’ve encountered a patch of rocky road on your life path, chances are you’ve entered into a sacred period of realignment, when opposing forces in your life come to a head and the friction, heat and turbulence sort of begs you to pay attention and deal.  Libra energy loves to find the balance and the justice in it all and often the process of coming into balance can feel uncomfortable. It’s often easier to swallow our truths or play the martyr to create temporary peace vs. face something head on, burn in the fire of our truth and create peace for a lifetime.  

We as humans are tasked with this huge job of reconciling all the different harmonious and discordant parts of ourselves. How is it that so many seemingly opposing things can exist in one body, one life story? Current red hot contradictions may include: Settling into quarantine hermitude vs. dying to see a true friend and put on real clothing. Loving yourself just as you are vs. Not knowing who you’ve become. Feeling a deep urge to do something just for yourself vs. Feeling a deep urge to support a greater good, and the list of human dichotomy goes on and on. 

Do not fall into the trap of feeling like you have to choose one of your truth’s over another or define yourself in limited terms, ever. Life has a beautiful way of being able to weave together all the parts of Us in a beautiful and well-timed way. The key is to create enough openness in mind and body to allow it all.

Quality space creation can come from physical movement of the body (this is one of those juicy Full Moons to dance under!) forgiveness, spending time in nature, shedding physical and emotional baggage that doesn’t serve you and indulging in creative outlets that you feel allow you to release and flow. 

Happy Birthday to the Last of the Aries Babies!! Everyone, This is a full moon that will be…therapeutic with upheaval lol. Just know that if something is rising to your conscious surface, it’s coming up because your body is ready to release it and renew, let it go and start your newest chapter.

Xoxo with love, Heather Ace

Photo Credit: @ntechnicals

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