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Moon Reading: Full Moon in Libra

Happy Full Pink Moon in Libra! Currently doing Disneyland with a big lovely group of my  in-laws after a weekend in Palm Springs witnessing the transition of my husband's Grandfather, all during Aries season with a potent Libra Moon so yea, lessons on lessons on lessons! 

Here’s a quick Libra (aka lessons in balance and harmony) fueled Moon Reading because relationships are ultimately treasure troves of wisdom:

-Stop judging people because EVERYONE is smack dab in the middle of their journey. Get out of people's way, let people bloom and evolve and season! Focus on your own growth, focus on being patient with yourself and it will create more space for everyone around you.

-Life is made up of ups and downs, get used to it! Stop waiting for some magical moment where it all “gets into balance.” True grounding and balance comes from within no matter where you are on one of life’s waves. Every situation shifts.

-LOVE heals all. Frustrated with someone? Show love. Can’t forgive yourself? Show yourself love. Feeling stuck? Find things you love about your current situation. Instant happiness can be found with appreciation, humor and love. Keep leaning into joy and support and away from judgment, lack and discontentment. It’s work but it’s worth it to LOVE and enjoy the gems life has offered. After all, that's the reason we came here:)

WOOOHOO!!! There are five planets in the sky and the moon is beautiful so LOOK UP, appreciate, breathe and LOVE!

Xoxo Heather Ace

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