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Moon Reading: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Happy PRIDE & Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius!!  What a perfect moon for leaning into discovery and developing the ability to trust the voice of our intuition. This is a Moon for adventure, a Yes! Moon,  a moon nudging you toward a low-to-no-judgment mindset and a spirit open to Possibility. Read on for more moon insights…

During this Full Moon moment we find space to shift focus from The Details to The Big Picture. Sagittarius energy is all about seeking, seeking Truth, seeking wisdom, seeking newness. It’s a burning energy that can provide motivation and confidence if you are on the verge of turning a new leaf or writing a new chapter. Wowee change can be exciting! Scary too, sure, but during this Full moon moment you are best served when you relish the thrills of Life vs. the ole  “clench and brace” routine.

Seeking isn’t just about collecting stories for bragging rights or checking destinations off a list. Seeking is a path to learning who you are, what makes your heart burst with happiness or grief, what makes your stomach flutter, your nose tickle or feet turn the other way. Seeking is about tapping into how you FEEL and not labeling things “Good” or “Bad” so much as “An Experience” (or even, “An Adventure!”). Looking for light bulb moments, insight and revelations? They’ll be coming round the mountain if you stay open to the inherent ups and downs of exploration. 

Don’t throw rocks onto your path with over analyzation, look up and around. Remember that Life is a Life-Long-Process (blows my mind every time!) and for crying out loud, try and enjoy the ride a little eh?:)

WOOHOOO Happy PRIIIIIIIDE!!!! I will be celebrating with dear friends and the incredible LGBTQIA+ community I feel very honored to ally with, support and be nourished by. Have a beautiful Full Moon Celebration and please if you don’t do anything else this month do this: SHOW LOVE!!! It will save lives.

Xoxo Heather Ace

Image of the Lisa Frank inspired neon rainbow mountainous dreamuniverse was created by @myfairyrealm

#fullmoon #fullmooninsagittarius #strawberrymoon #happypride #knowthyself #showmelove #wearefamily