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Moon Reading: Full Moon in Scorpio

Happy Full Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio! The folks of Greater North America will not be able to see this Lunar Eclipse but dang are. We. feeling. It! Deep lessons come with the water sign that would have you thinking it’s a fire sign, due to its intensity in shining light on our shadows. Our emotions have risen to the surface and the tension is real. Don’t squirm away in agony, this Rawness is a rich time to renew your relationship with grief and discomfort. 

Hear me out.  Read on for more full moon messages…

It aint all that bad. I know that’s hard to hear when you’re down in the trenches or all hope seems lost. The truth is long, as long as you're breathing you have another shot to do better next time and jump on the next blessing and break. In every journey eventual kindness and grace will find you around one of life’s corners. With that promise of eventual relief in mind, can you learn to sit with a little more patience, focus and curiosity  in the unsure and awkward moments that life offers?

Truly this too shall pass and so while you’re in the tough moments of life, where can you suck the marrow out of the experience? (note: there is marrow in every experience). The ability to glean riches from seemingly hopeless situations is the deep wisdom and skill of all of our Indigenous Ancestors. The ability to sit with discomfort starts with a shoulder lowering deep breath of acceptance.  We must accept that discomfort is a signature part of the Human Experience. It is not a punishment, it is not a reason to stop, it is not a reason to bargain, it is not “bad” and it certainly is never forever.

How to Suck The Marrow Out of Rough Times

-Put a Taurus twist of luxury on it. Get your fuzziest blankets, wear your coziest clothes, use the fancy soap bar, get the best brand of dairy free milk. Indulge in your comfort when times are hard. Level up by making those  indulgences ones that  contribute to longer term health and wellness.

-Loosen up, literally. Muscles get tense when we sense control slipping. We get on edge and tempers begin to flare as our focus goes from a relaxed, creative mind into a mind focused on protection and survival.  Keep the body loose with  hydration, flowing movement and intentional stretching. It’s smart to retain your flexibility and creative edge when working with deep emotions, it’s a famously ripe time to find your authentic self through expression. Words aren’t normally enough to express our toughest emotions. How does this energy need to come through?

-Count your blessings. Not as a way to distance yourself from the realness but just to provide the perspective and balance that can really help you get through. When things are bad enough do you really need to keep a running commentary of just how bad? Not helpful. Balance moments of doubt and displeasure with gratitude and positive realizations. In your lowest times you have the potential to really take stock of the things in life that really matter. Going out in nature is the Fast Pass to gratitude, it provides perspective as you begin to remember who you are beyond your problems.

Happy Birthday Beautiful Taurus Babies! Thank you for the realness, luxury, grounding and sureness even when things seem up in the air. We WILL get through, until then I’ll be eating high quality foods, going to bed early and wearing expensive perfume when I go out. It ain’t all that bad!

With love and deep gratitude Heather Ace xoxo

An AI generated image of a mysterious, confident woman in luxurious black on a futuristic train platform surrounded by billowing smoke above and some sort of billowing furry animal or entity on the ground by @the_brgadoon_dispatch 

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