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Intentions vs. Goals

Today we are talking INTENTIONS!

Intentions are the stuff dreams are made of! It’s through creating  intentions that we align ourselves with who we are in the present moment and figure out what our hearts desire for our life really is.

There is often confusion between setting intentions vs. setting goals but there’s a pretty potent difference. 

Setting goals can be valuable but they are made by envisioning an unwritten future and applying discipline and relentless hard work to achieve it. To stay motivated toward our goals we rely on will power (which is unsustainable) and we use a large amount of energy maintaining expectations.  This rigid attachment is often based in fear and insecurity and leaves little room for the inevitable changes and shifts of life.

Intentions are based in the present moment and pinpoint how we want to FEEL. They are instantly achievable with a shift in mindset. Setting an intention is a powerful way to connect with your receptivity to the things you want in life. It is basically saying “I am open to this!”

-Grab your journal or a piece of paper
-Set a timer for 10-20 minutes
-Let yourself flow/free write on one or all of the prompts below

Journal Prompts

  1. What would you like to build, create, or nurture?

  2. What would you like to let go of/ release?

  3. What are you grateful for?

  4. How do you intend to FEEL in the weeks following your Spirit Healing Journey?

Examples of Intentions That May Resonate With You:

  1. I intend to show acts of kindness today, opening myself to any possibility to bring joy into the life of another.

  2. I intend for my mind to be receptive to clarity, inspiration, and any information that will guide me toward my goals.

  3. I intend to expand my focus so that I may enjoy, appreciate, and contribute to the beauty of nature.

  4. I intend that the communication between my partner and I be crystal clear, both with words and beyond words.

  5. I intend to create supportive, healthy and nurturing surroundings at work

  6. I intend to remember that I am sending positive energy to the greater whole whenever I am in joy.

    When we tune our future desires together with our present feelings we create a very powerful shift of energy that can create a far away dream life in the here and now.