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Ways to Work with the New Moon & Full Moon

Under The New Moon

-Plant a seed of intention or make a goal

-Think about creation, what wants to be birthed into your life?

-Reflect on the goals you're working with and recalibrate with fresh direction

-Time to soul search, go inside and take stock of your inner landscape

-Honor your intuition and your ability to create your own your own reality

Under the Full Moon

-Harvest the fruits of your spiritual labor by celebrating what has arrived

-Think about release, what can you let go that no longer serves you?

-Use the clarity and magnifying effect of the moon to view your life as a whole

-Time to dance, shake, rattle and roll to shake off the old and create space

-Honor your transformation and the Spirit of Gratitude, give thanks!

Thank You Moon for Feminine wisdom, intuition and the waters

