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Happy Mother's Day, You Are Queens

They don’t tell you this when the people you love die but

They don’t die energetically. They remain a part of us and continue to nourish, support and inform our journey. There are so many opportunities to continue accepting, understanding and reconciling with the humans that parented us, even when our physical bodies are in different spaces.

 It’s one of those things where to truly understand it, you have to experience it. 

Sending love to everyone who is feeling the support and nourishment (amidst the loss and loneliness) from a Parent on the other side

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, to the people holding the world up!!


Motherly Wisdom Coming in Today:

Personal experience is so incredibly potent. There is reading something and then there is EXPERIENCING something. Living it will always hold more weight than comprehending it. 

When you live something it goes down into your core, your DNA, your fat cells, your lymph fluid. It sits on your skin. When you have an experience it informs your muscles (tension levels, flexibility, etc.) and your nervous system (concentration ability, focus muscles, emotional/mental balance).  

When you do the work and you can connect the way you live in your body to the way it’s described philosophically or through academia, the resonance is explosive. Understanding who you are at every level, cells to intellect, and finding awe and connection there, is what I feel like Nirvana might mean. 

Maybe Nirvana is a celebratory realization that we are a meaningful and necessary part of All That Is. Honor your personal experience. Trust your lived expertise. You are the master of your heartbreakingly beautiful existence.

My Mom Yolanda Marie & Me during one of the many hair bonding moments in a Black woman’s life.

#happymothersday #weareallconnected #womenruntheactualworld #youaretheuniverse