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New Moon in Aquarius 2021

Happy New Moon in Aquarius!! 

When you poop or barf chances are you don't investigate the contents beyond a quick glance for health purposes (I know that ain't just me!). So why is it that when we purge emotional/spiritual waste we find it hard to flush? Maybe we even pull it apart, jar it up or ingest it back into our system! 

 If you find that you keep running to the curb to drag your spiritual trash back in, this moon arrives as an ally to plant seeds of strength and confidence that can help you stay focused on fresh new emotions, intentions, people, places and things. 

There is a subtle but powerful Energy Shift to integrate here.

 Don't try and escape the old, run to the new. Does this sound like the same thing? S’ not.

When you try to "escape the old", all you do is stay focused on it, eternally trying to figure out, battle, change or be ok with something that doesn't make you feel good. When you "run to the new" the old simply fades away as you put your energy toward adjusting to a new way of Being. 

Stop holding onto your emo poo and certainly don’t DEFINE yourself by it.

If you tap into your courage to roam outside of a comfort zone and break free of the past you’ll be gifted with a clearer perspective that brings the quality insight and true closure that you crave.

BONUS: When making new plans this season, do your all time best to not consider the past. AT ALL. Gulp....Make your plans considering only your future desires, fresh research, diverse communities and the qualifications and strengths you'll hone and acquire  along the way. For the next week or so think BIG pictures and let yourself be free of the mini-details or stories of the past that snuff out your spark and drown you with overwhelm. DREAM BIGGER, dream freer.  It’s Aquarius Season baby, anything is possible!

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