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Moon Reading: New Moon in Aquarius

Happy New Moon in Aquarius!! This new moon is doing a lot as it heralds the start of the Lunar New Year in the Chinese Calendar and of Imbolc or St. Brigid’s Day a Gaelic Pagan festival. If you’re like me, the Gregorian calendar New Year on January 1 came all too fast. This moment gives us the opportunity to reset and renew our intentions with fresh energy. What's the big overarching dream and desire for your life and how can you align yourself in this moment to receive that vibration?  Read below for more New Moon insights.

Bring The Vision to Earth: Aquarius is big picture energy, let the grasp on fine details and minutiae fade. Gripping too tightly on how/when our dreams will be realized diminishes the vision, it knicks away at our focus and causes us to waiver in our belief. Hold your vision but don’t squeeze the life out of it, it’s going to morph beyond your wildest dreams anyway if you can find the spaciousness to let it do so.

Now is not the time to put your dream back on the shelf, this moon cycle can offer clarity about a path forward you may have been too afraid to look at for fear it might not come true. 

Nourished visions come true. 

During this new moon phase, where can you plant seeds that align with your purpose or vision?  During Air Sign Aquarius (many think it’s a water sign because of its Water Bearer mascot) planted seeds may look like setting up future collaborations and gatherings that will inspire creativity and networking or signing up for experiences that can expand the way you think and provide more perspective, confidence and options. Turn the dial down on relationshionships that make you feel sheepish, selfish or cause you to diminish your dream. Reinforce your commitment to  relationships and communities that leave you feeling hopeful, capable and forward thinking. It takes a village.

What you want to create so wants to be created and you have everything you need to get where you want. Keep hope alive!!!

Happy Birthday Aquarius People!!! Myself included!!! Reach out and give some love to your Water Bearer friends, we love spending time with ourselves, in our heads, and it can get lonely if we let the isolation go for too long. Truly we live to connect people and are constantly plotting how to bring heaven to Earth. And heaven is coming ya’ll, hold the vision and stay grateful.

With love and Aquarian hugs xoxo Heather Ace

Art by Nick Davis @ndartlife

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