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Moon Reading: New Moon in Aries

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in the final degrees of Aries! We have a NEW BEGINNINGS turducken on our hands with the second Aries New Moon of the year and the beginning of eclipse season with a rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse. Also, Taurus season kicks off just as another Mercury Retrograde arrives. Yoinks! We are also ending a cycle along the Taurus/Scorpio axis and entering the  Aries/Libra axis where we are asked to wield our Independence at the same time that we are asked to renew and upgrade how we are in all of our relationships. This Tall Order may have you feeling like go-go-GOING for the gold but you’d be more wise to reflect and absorb and hear the lessons out before making any major moves. The healing upheaval is still under way. Read on for more moon insight…

Get Independent: If you’re afraid of something it means there's a part of you that believes that thing has the power to control, change or even defeat you. We take care of ourselves by avoiding the things that seem to always hurt us or turn us into versions of ourselves we’d rather not own. The denial and rejection will work for a while but eventually resistance to difficult emotions, patterns and people can turn anything into a Full Blown Fear Monster. 

A lot of us have gotten really good at making things “monsters” as a way to give ourselves permission to never have to address/approach/heal. During this major new moon moment it’s revealed that our fears and avoidances, our difficult relationships, are actually chains that bind us. When we build up fears we become slave to them, towing them around from situation to situation letting them affect our relationships new and old and giving them permission to inform us of our potential and purpose. 

THIS STOPS NOW. YOU are the master of your fears, you control THEM! When you were hurt in the past it was not a life sentence. Anyday you can break the heavy chains of fear and hurt and start telling a fresh new story starring YOU and your special powers and magic.

How? Face it dead on. Often when we look our “monsters” in the eye they diminish almost immediately if not vanish entirely. Here’s some extra tips from this New Moon moment:

  1. There’s a big difference between asserting yourself with confidence (you’re in your power, you’re ready to be free, forgive, love, shift) and reacting brashley on impulse (false sense of bravery, you’ve just been reinjured, you’re trying a “surprise attack” to get some upper hand, you’re trying to send a “message”, it’s not rooted in love). Know the difference and give yourself plenty of time during this cosmic upheaval to truly step into your True power.

  2. Get ready to own your independence and your power. It’s…a lot. In fact, subconsciously we might keep “monsters” around as a place to lay blame and excuses for why we are not where or who we want to be. If you’re looking to be free of the ties that bind you you must also be willing to hold/own/acknowledge all the parts of you, good, bad and what you might still consider, ugly. Start the journey toward loving yourself as a Whole, your spirit deserves this.

  3. Distance and isolation isn’t the solution. Well it isn’t a long term solution anyway. When fears pop up it’s only human to want to run the other way or lock ourselves away emotionally to numb the pain. We also pull away and isolate as a way to punish others, but it only punishes us. Putting ourselves in jail and calling our fears captor is a trap that both robs you of your freedom and sends poison in the vines of all of your relationships, even the ones you wanted to nourish. Connection and understanding and love are the only medicines strong enough to dissolve generations of hurt, fear and trauma. Tired of running? Run down by isolation? Try a new approach.

We’ve got to find a way in this life to live authentically and independently WHILE living in relationship with others who are working to do the same. Hey, no one said the journey on Earth was gonna be easy but it could be waaay more loving, forgiving and infused with ease right?

Use the magic of the powerful Hawaiian Wisdom of Ho’oponopono to clear your slate within, do this for Yourself until you absorb it and it will radiate to the people and the things that you long to shift relationship with:

To yourself, until you absorb it and Believe it, say: “I’M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU”

Let this phrase free you, cultivate your self- love and begin to cloak you in a protective layer of grace, understanding and compassion that will set you free to fly once again!

Happy Birthday Taurus Babies although your new moon is the next one!! Remember not to rush to any major changes but give yourself tons of time and love while the dust settles and things move toward more clarity.  (kick back, it’s 4/20 hint hint). You are worthy of your freedom and you deserve healthy relationships (in fact, we humans need them to survive!) xoxo Heather Ace

Photo credit: This Huge cloud of radiating cosmic color surrounding a fiery transformative solar eclipse is AI generated.

#newmooninaries #newmooninarries2023 #doublearriesnewmoon #hybridsolareclipse #eclipseseason #arieslibraaxis #mecuryretorgrade #420 #hooponopono