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Semi Woo Moon Reading: New Moon in Aries

Happy New Moon In Aries!!! If you wanna get something going in the new few weeks the lunar potion of fiery Aries is just the elixir you will need. IN FACT Aries is pouring so much energy and spark into the mix that you currently might even feel agitated or like you’re already behind. Don’t fall into the trap! Let this fire cleanse you of feelings that feed you lies like “You’re not good enough” and replace them with true Superhero Energy. Here’s some New Moon in Aries tips to tune your dial to in the next few weeks:

  1. Find your grit: There is a “kid in the candy store” aspect to Aries energy that can lure you toward things that get your blood pumping. Getting outside of your comfort zone and trying new things is how you grow, and it's a particularly beneficial time to do both! But, avoid using those tools as an excuse to constantly drop something when the going gets tough. Pick something that really excites you and suits your inner spirit, hold on tight, and stick with it! This is a juicy time to refresh and retool your desires and break cycles of quitting. Tell discouragement and doubt it is Aries season: See your dreams through.

  2. Be Brave. If you run at the first sign of trouble you rob yourself of the lessons and wisdom that will get you to exactly where you want to be. Your low times could feel more like an exciting but grueling master class and less like a punishment. Learn everything you can so you can apply it to the inevitable good times ahead!

  3. Lean into feelings of freedom. Aries energy breathes fire into your independent side. It yearns to feel free and unrestrained. Find natural sources of freedom like wide open nature or have a personal dance party. If you find you’re mired in patterns of codependency, consider taking your act solo. Get curious about who you’d be and what your life would look like if you were calling most of the shots and trusting your inner strength. When meditating on independence, see if you can lean into Confident Boss vs. Insecure Dictator.

  4. Make choices from a place of passion! The dial will be turned up on emotions during this time. Don’t be afraid to get angry, say you're scared, express love and assert your unique beliefs. Just make sure to ground what you offer in truth and compassion to avoid the unnecessary thorny patch of a miscommunication. It’s emotional wildfire season so watch those sparks! Seek to face and then release trauma around  self expression and you may find yourself in the most authentic place you’ve ever been by months end. 

This is just the very beginning of something huge for most of us. We’re in a potent time of initiation. Avoid making moves for movement's sake, there’s no reason to rush here even though it feels like a buzzy a** time. Vote for yourself always and for your highest path and take a leap as soon as you run out of good reasons not to.

The Universe ALWAYS provides wings for the Spirits that want to fly:)

Beautiful Artwork: Alba’hian by Joana Choumali @joana_choumali on Instagram

“Alba’hian in Agni language (from Akan group in Côte d’Ivoire), means the first light of the day, the dawn. (Excerpt from @heroinejournal on Instagram)

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