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Moon Reading: New Moon in Cancer

Happy New Moon in Cancer!!! The moon is resting comfortably in her own sign so breath in vibrations of release and being held. Many parts of life are beginning to reopen and the N. Hemisphere summer has come into full swing, yay! On the flip side you may all of a sudden be dealing with nostalgia and/or sadness over leaving the cozy homebody life,  having little to no social obligation and maybe even feels over the end of many mask mandates.  It’s a beautiful time to invite some balance in as we navigate the wisdom of the mighty Crab. Here’s more Lunar spirit insight for the moments ahead…

  1. Maintain a personal quarantine: Life seems to be rushing back but it’s quite important  in this moment to carve out space to be intentionally alone and/or with people who calm or invigorate your nervous system.  Later in the month we’ll experience a Full Moon in Aquarius that will have us feeling more like dancing in the streets. For now, couch hangs, backyard bbq’s, park blankets for 1, is the vibe.  Ease back into society by reconnecting with YOU and the intimate community that emerges around your highest self.

  2. Create a more welcoming home in your body:Your body got you through one of the craziest years we’ve ever had! It’s time to return the favor by restoring balance within.  I spent 2020 mostly in my head. In the last few months I’ve begun to reconnect with a body that’s been in survival mode. It’s time to shift into thrive mode! Reduce the overwhelm that can appear when you regard your body by making small, baby shifts over time. You might start with restoring your gut health, revamping your dental care routine or truly working at getting quality sleep. Whatever it is, begin to tap back into your spirit home and pay attention to your nourishment and your ability to rejuvenate your bodily flow. The clearer your connection to your body, the clearer your intuition can be felt (aka the easier time you have allowing in your dreams!)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY all you Cancer Babies with your sunny amazing pool parties (spoken from an embittered February baby)!! Swipe right for more info on how to honor and harness NEW MOON energy. You are loved, you are one of a kind and the world needs what you have to offer. Now relax and marinate in it:)

New moon mama kisses and sparkling wishes to all xoxo Heather

Photo Credit by the awesome artist, Sheeba Maya @sheeba_maya

#newmoon #cancerseason #crabwisdom #comehome #homeinmybody  #astrology #moonwisdom #moonpower #selfcare
