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Moon Reading: New Moon in Cancer

A Blessed New Moon in Cancer to you!! Timing couldn't be better. Cancer season has arrived to usher in our ability to soothe ourselves and find comfort, even in the face of ridiculous, flailing attempts at oppression. Take the invitation to recharge so you are prepared for the long haul! More moon insights below.

Be Master of Your House: True comfort, “Being Home” is the vibration of a settled nervous system. With a settled nervous system you make decisions and choices grounded in security, sufficiency and tranquility. Quite unfortunately there are so many assaults on our nervous system that the majority of people spend most of their days idling around fight or flight, never truly feeling at ease, feeling like we haven’t done or don’t have enough, never feeling rested, never feeling safe in our connections, never feeling “deserving” of comfort.  This is not sustainable!

Just in the nick of time comes Cancer Season where we’re tasked with cultivating a calm, cozy, comfortable environment in our bodies and in our relationships so that we can grow and expand and transform like our spirits are supposed to. Practices like meditation, breathwork, singing, dancing, sleeping can all help massage our nervous systems and bring them into balance. Use these ancient tools! Another added bonus of a calm nervous system is that when others are in your presence, they will calibrate to your rhythm and feel safe taking a load off.  Settling your own nervous system and resetting for calm is one of the most transformational, healing acts you can do for a world that has become obsessed with discomfort and stewing in vibrations of fear and disconnection. Don’t fall into this trap.

Comfort doesn’t always just happen, it’s a series of conscious choices to declutter and alleviate yourself of vibrations, influences and materials that add chronic stress and confusion into your mix. At the end of the day, all day and every day You are the Master of your Own Body and World. Choosing love, joy and freedom is the most revolutionary thing you can do in this moment, take back your nervous system and help others do the same.

Happy Birthday Dearest Cancer Babies!!! A note to everyone: Please take time to rest and recuperate. Everything comes in cycles and you will be needing your strength and fire very soon…..for now make your homes a happy place and get your relationships in loving order.

With love and gratitude xoxo Heather Ace

Beautiful piece art by @ndartlife (Photo Description: Present and calm Black women holding her hands in a mudra against a bright yellow flower filled  wallpaper in her cozy home. Black Power fist pick in her afro)

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