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Moon Reading: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini 2021! This intense, future flowing Air sign offers lessons around communication, expression and life's inherent dichotomy. And it’s all happening during Mercury Retrograde (gifting us challenges with communication and asking us to reflect) and during a Solar Eclipse (a potent time to create new inner change and transformation). The Twins are serving up a five alarm Duality Soup!  Read on for more insight into this current time:

  1. Preach less, Ask Questions More: Gemini rules the world of communication and you’re not alone if you’ve experienced recent confusion and conversation fails. In a time of infinite information, we humans understandably assume we know everything. It’s an important time to accept that: we don’t.  Elevate your communication style to one that invites in more clarity and more PERSPECTIVE by asking questions. Make sure they are geared toward Truth seeking, not point making. The intention and tone of question-asking should be to reveal clarity, dichotomy and roots. The hardest step will be actually LISTENING. Stay vigilant.

  2. Get (optimistically) flexible:  While in an Air Sign we have a heightened ability to view things from a much broader perspective. Looking at things from a “Bird’s Eye View '' is particularly important during this spiritually intense time. Where are the areas where you can see the bigger picture and expand your ability to sit with contradiction and open ended resolutions (aka discomfort)? As with every moment, this too shall pass. When in doubt or turmoil, lean into gratitude and optimism to provide the most flexible, future thinking stance of all: Hope. 

  3. Try on Radical Self-Acceptance:  Embrace your WHOLE expression during this New Moon Solar Eclipse and you’ll find yourself moving at the speed of light toward your dreams. Duality and contradiction is part of being a Spirit operating through a human body. Rejecting parts of who you are is like pulling an emergency break on your expansion. Self rejection also drastically decreases our ability to connect with Community and communicate our Truth. Journaling and self reflection during this time will provide mind blowing realizations.  It’s time to celebrate your authentic, unique, one of a kind Human Brew!!

Happy Birthday Gemini’s! Let’s all plug back into life as best we can and take some extra extra extra time and thoughtfulness to communicate with more compassion and understanding. 

Art Credit: Another incredible piece by @_carmenseijas_ I saw about a million things in this one peice. Thank you for the meditation Carmen!

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