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Moon Reading: New Moon in Leo

Happy New Moon in Leo!! The astrological call to marinate on ways to express yourself is perfectly placed at the height of the North Hemisphere’s summer heat, when we’re out and about literally and figuratively. Keep reading for more moon readings…

Expression For The Whole: There’s a big hesitance when it comes to true self-expression. Often the overarching voice we give our attention to is shouting, “Who do you think you are to be able to do THAT?! You’re being selfish and taking up too much space.” That voice is a d*** and I suggest you let it float right out of your head. First of all, there is INFINITE space for you to express and explore yourself. Sometimes when we see others enjoying and discovering who they are it triggers angst and envy within and we protect our feelings of inadequacy and unwholeness by calling that person selfish or blaming our inability to blossom on the lack of space to do so. There is no lack of anything on this planet, know this.  Only we can put ourselves in a box. When you see people coming out of their shell it is only ever an invitation for you to find the courage and the joy to do the same. When you see people emerge it should spark inspiration, joy and gratitude as it is a sign that you are ripe for the journey of going from black/white/binary to full on multi-dimensional color. You are the only person who can give yourself permission to fly (or not). Soar baby, LIVE. OUT. LOUD.

Feel Good, Look Good: It doesn’t matter what you wear, it doesn’t matter your glasses style, what you pierce or the shape of your body. If you still got a crusty voice playing that won’t let you feel cool/hot/sexy/desirable/orginal/worthy then nothing you can do on the outside will change that voice on the inside. Pro-Tip: inner voices don’t change their narrative, we have to change what narratives we pledge allegiance to. For various reasons most of us sit in the audience of voices that have us play it safe with our expression or voices that would have us feel our authentic yearnings are part of some evil plan to trick people into thinking we’re something we’re not. During this astrological season I invite you to ONLY listen to voices that support you in feeling good about who you are and excited about who you can become. You have one shot at this particular life and there is no rule book besides following the yearnings and excitement of your heart. When you focus on narratives inside of you that feel good, you will very quickly see those narratives come to fruition outside of you as well. You will feel aligned in your choices, you will feel in your right place. You will turn on the tap to that true inner confidence that we know attracts your dreams and manifestations to your very doorstep. Listen only to influences that support your true growth with kindness and open acceptance and be that influence for others whenever you can.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO’S! Let’s all get in on this lion’s roar and take a break from the heavy weight of the crumbling old chapters of humanity. Make sure to do somethin’ a lil extra, turn the brightness up a bit. The world needs you to be your authentic self xoxo Heather Ace

Photo Credit: Master of expression, flair, unapologetic Being and Leo Rising, one of my guides, Frida Kahlo by @sophiewillkinsart Sophie Wilkins

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