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Moon Reading: New Moon in Pisces

Happy New Moon in Pisces!! I’d say it comes at a time of major upheaval in human history but human history seems to be a log of neverending upheavals. How do we survive on Earth with all this freaking awareness and connectedness, am I right?! Luckily the stars, planets, and astral energies are heralding the perfect space to help you through. Read below for more moon insights:

Break Out the Clay!: This is a ripe and fertile time to remold your purpose, tighten the nuts and bolts, dust it off and readjust your grip. What do you want to create? What burning desires won’t give you any rest? What makes more sense for the life you *truly* want to create?  We are swimming in the sensitive, deep thinking and creative waters of The Fish.  It’s an auspicious moment when no planets are in retrograde and New Moon renewal energy abounds. Listen to your dreams, take your imagination seriously, and please, if you do anything, continue to work on identifying, trusting and heeding your Inutive voice. In this moon moment as you begin anew and reshape things, take care not to chart your course with decisions based in fear, martyrdom or boxed in, stale thinking. It doesn’t serve at this moment to grasp for analytical and pragmatic “solutions”, it will diminish your great potential for growth here. You are not responsible for providing details, explanations or game plans to fearful skeptics (including the “skeptic within” ya’ll!!). You ARE responsible for listening to your intuition and trusting your creative value as you begin to accept to You are the creator of your story, path and Universe. Repeat after me: “This most certainly can be done!”

Transmit Love: Astrologically the moment is RIPE for love! If it doesn’t feel like it, allow yourself to receive, you deserve to have your stores replenished and there’s enough to go around. Enhance the romance and do something kind for yourself or another when you get the next chance. Do something that you love to do. Fall in love with one of your obligations. Say the word “love” more.  The energy from Loving Acts expands at great velocity, and we need that now more than ever to help balance a world that feels off kilter. Don’t delay in deploying this great force, Love. If you’re struggling to flip the switch from despair, cynicism and anger you’re not alone. Know that it takes practice to be able to cultivate and be nourished by love. But it’s necessary for survival here. Start within yourself and work your way out. Be the dreamy romantic. Melt a bit.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PISCES!!! Get dreamy, be creative, play! These energies counteract heavy forces. Stay determined in your hope for a better world and We will win xoxo Heather Ace

Artist is @king._.midas__ (link doesn't work anymore) Name: “World Makers” Learn more about it @goodworkhouse It’s described as embodying “ l’Union Fait la Force” (Unity is Strength)”

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