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Moon Reading: New Moon in Sagittarius

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius!! Ok it’s kind of the same news but a different spirit: Yes this moon phase carries an intensity and an edge that we’ve experienced over the last few moons, but Sag energy loves a little kerfuffle, a little wrench thrown into the mix to create something new and it delights in seeing the jolly big picture. 

Read below for more insight on this moon moment!

Go Full A**: New Moons are such potent times to begin anew and with the mixture of a solar eclipse (igniting serious transformational energy) and a walk through the fires of  change/adventure loving Sagitarrius you might suddenly find the guts to take a leap that’s been a long time coming. Often when we make a bold move we must deal with a backlash of doubt, second guessing and maybe even regret. Don’t let these voices lure you into watering down your attempts to challenge yourself. This is not the time to make tepid, half assed shifts. Go All In and avoid the temptation to worry or reel back lest you deprive yourself of the intoxicating journey of brave path creation and the revelry of true self expression. Own your moves.

Call it Glass Half Full: Sagittarius energy heralds optimistic thinking and tends to see the best in people and moments. Jump aboard the SS Feel Good! Pessimism is a tiny square box we build around ourselves, refusing to see the silver linings, refusing to accept hope. Don’t cage yourself in with small thinking, logic rooted in the past  and grudge holding. Watch for areas where your cynicism and negativity might make you feel superior, “prepared” and more “in the know”. Honestly, you may just be playing it safe, denying yourself the ability to dream lest that dream never materialize. We are creative beings! Calibrating your reality to avoid “future” not-yet-known disappointment just breeds disappointment. If you can allow feelings of excitement, maybe even giddiness to enter as you plant seeds for the future, you can almost guarantee a harvest beyond your wildest dreams.

Happy Birthday Dear Sagittarius Loves!! I seem to have some of the most special people in my life in this sign including my partner @ridensj. To stoke your Sagitarrean Fire, try something new, exciting and different and when you do, find the GOOD in the experience and let the less than good parts fizzle away. There’s a gift for us all in the sky above us, a comet that will only brush past Humanity one in a lifetime, how special to be alive, shake your hips and dance!! #cometleonard 

Blessings and LOVE!! Xoxo Heather Ace

Beautiful Artwork by @elroyz_

#sagittariusseason #sagittariusnewmoon #solarecplise #newmoonwisdom #bethechange #fearless #glasshalffull