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Moon Reading: New Moon in Scorpio

Happy SUPER New Moon in Scorpio!! New Moons bring us the opportunity to start anew and this being a SUPER moon in a powerful Water sign you might find your emotional intelligence being tested and your intuition begging to lead. Embrace the chaos, the drama, the passion but don’t let it burn your bridges, fields and villages, that’s a misuse of powerful energy! Use the force on your very own path as a torch forward or a mighty wand capable of blazing a solid new trail.

Check out the insights below for more moon wisdom…..

What are you grateful for?: You might just want to start every day asking this question as a way to balance the powerful energy swirling around us all that is constantly asking, “What needs to change/What is wrong here?”. Water signs calibrate us to use our feelings and emotions as more of a guide than we might usually trust them to.  This sort of vulnerability may lead us to feel heightened levels of insecurity, tension, pressure, tightness, short fuses, confusion and frustration. Regularly cultivating gratitude and abundance can add valuable balance right now. Don’t fight the goodness, allow it in as a way to ground yourself and find confidence in your incredible, innate, intuitive power.

Celebrate the rubble: Suspicious cracks and unsteady foundations will be exposed this month, especially within relationships and career.  When you use your Intuition to make decisions, chances are you’ll be asked to rebel against something: the status quo, your parents, people's expectations of you. If you really want to move forward in your purpose this would be a beautiful time to practice acceptance, of change, transformation and the unknown. If you truly desire a shift,  you gotta allow things to fall away. When things fall away or end it’s often a sign that space is being made for you to walk closer to your Truth. You can’t get it wrong when you trust your Intuition, jump in and float along with the unfolding!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR SCORPIOS!!! I’m always bewitched by your passion, blessings!! How can things feel so FIERY in a WATER sign?? That’s Scorpio for you baby, we all got a little sting in us xoxo Heather Ace

Photo Credit: @skagitvalleytulipfestival I’m always delighted to think as the days get colder here in the Northern Hemisphere PNW, that  summer is coming in the Southern Hemisphere and flowers are in bloom.

#newmooninscorpio2021 #scorpioseason  #meditation #moonwisdom #newmoonenergy #moonreadings