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Moon Reading: New Moon in Scorpio

Happy New Moon in Scorpio (with a partial solar eclipse!) You’d think this triple dose of inward energy (new moon/water sign/eclipse) would have us in a rip-current of emotion right now (and if it does, absolutely no shade, we all see you and get you!). Fortuitously, there is a Venusian (of the Plant Venus) tint to this moment which means the sensitivity and emotional wave will feel less like a tsunami and more like a warm outdoor rainfall shower with intense water pressure…Read below for more moon insights

Scorpio speaks to our passionate natures and encourages us to swim deep into ourselves to find those energies that stoke life, new meaning and transformation. The pull of jealousy and  need for control/influence will be the energies that could crop with a lesson or two this month.  Here are some other energies you might focus in on:

Sensitivity: It’s not a weakness, it’s one of your greatest superpowers. Repair your sensitivity receptors by naming your emotions as they arise, as often as you can (e.g. I am disappointed, I am overjoyed, I am confused, I am aroused etc.). Familiarity with our energy and emotions heals the generations of distance we’ve put between our bodies and our feelings. 

Sex: What is your sexual truth outside of your partners, outside of your past and outside of the taboo, obligation, influence and repression of the society you life in? Many folks find themselves cut off from their sexuality and the vicious cycle of fascination and shame makes it hard to cultivate the power of intimacy. When was the last time you self pleasured yourself and focused primarily on the smoldering Life Force building up at your energetic seat of Power? Do that. What wisdom might pop up? What can you learn about control, loss of control?  A reframe around the very foundation of sex can be can heal our collective traumas surrounding it and help us realign with our sexual authenticity.

*extra points for allowing any stuck trauma/shame to float up and OUT through you in the process.

Freedom: When we say release the things that “don’t serve you” that doesn’t always mean bad friends and old habits. There may come a time when freedom means you will be asked to  release the things that seem to be the very foundation of the world you’ve built around you. Can you truly accept that everything changes/nothing stays the same? The fear of change and the energy spent to manipulate reality may very well be the bonds that enslave us. A focus on creation vs. a focus on destruction can aid us in the difficult moments of impending freedom.

Happy Birthday Sweet and Lovely Scorpio Babies!! The veil is quite thin during this time, enjoy any sensual surges of emotion as a gift of self-knowing and freedom of expression. Take advantage of the season’s tradition of dressing up and try on a new alter ego for size. Who knows where the revelations will take you??? With love and appreciation for your readership Heather Ace xoxo

Photo credit: @duchess_of_lore

Picture of a serene woman with a Moon halo in a dark starry sky with very long curly flowing hair in hand, framing the midsection with her arms. The midsection exposes the internal organs.

#scorpioseason #scorpionewmoon #scorpionewmoon2022 #partialsolareclipse #thinveil