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Moon Reading: New Moon in Taurus

Happy New Moon in Taurus AND Partial Solar Eclipse!! New Moons arrive and offer us a blank slate to work with, a fertile field to plant seeds of intention and manifestation. Eclipses are like rich fertilizer, this is the time to dream/plan! But how when the world might seem so uncertain, tornado-esque if you will? Read below for more moon insights:

Feel Into Your Worthiness: We spend a lot of time evaluating ourselves using the limited and outdated measuring sticks, metrics and comparisons that we grew up with. I get it, it’s hard to figure out your place in this world without something to hold yourself up to. In this potent astral moment it’d be in your best interest to bury all your old ways of evaluating yourself and develop a new and improved system for determining your self worth. After all, you’re the only one who has to live with yourself. Tune out the other voices. What makes YOU feel good about yourself? When you feel good about yourself, the judgments, barbs and commentary on your path have little to no effect. In this Taurus season you may feel compelled to recommit to your mental health, your physical wellness or even a luxurious new routine or wardrobe that will Return you to Yourself. Don’t compromise. Stay loyal to the person you came here to Be. 

Throw Away The Timer:  We are constantly changing and shifting but nobody said we had to do so overnite!  Let the slower, more steady rhythms of this Earth sign rock you like a lullaby. Savor your journey a bit more instead of speeding on to the next and next and next thing. This “race” we’re all told we are in is an illusion. This is certainly one of those signs you can feel good about stopping to smell the new spring flowers. As a way to ground yourself, recenter and get the most out of any moment use your five senses. Give that soft blanket or pet some extra rubs, linger over the smell of a pizza shop, admire the reflections in a puddle. This sensuality in daily life will return you to the pace of the planet, the Here and Now. Step back from the rat race/hampster wheel and marinate in the majesty of simple splendor.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAURUS BABIES!!! Things will smooth out very soon when some of this astrological upheaval begins to settle. In the meantime, keep it indulgent and luxurious!!

Xoxo Heather Ace

Photo Credit: @salty_yogi_

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