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Moon Reading: New Moon in Taurus

Happy New Moon in Taurus!! Phew, release the valve on the red hot tension from the fading effect of this last Eclipse/Mercury Retrograde period.  Any seeds of clarity/confidence/commands you’ve been waiting on are ready to be planted in this fertile Earth sign moment. Read on for more moon insight…

Releasing tension often means having to face the tension causing source in the first place. You’ve gotta know where your horns are locked to begin a release. Many times, tension is caused by our lack of understanding or clarity around something. I might also add that tension is often caused by a lack of loving energy, positivity and compassion.

When we have pain points, there’s an instinct to look the other way and that’s not a terrible idea, especially if it’s none of our business. If it IS our business looking the other way does not always serve us. It’s so easy to build up huge stories in our head about how dire something is when we don’t understand it.  POP the bubble of tension by exploring the situations that fan the most uncomfortable flames in your life. You may not find a solution, and that’s not really the point. I guarantee you that just facing things head on will remove strain and ease that manufactured stress around it. 

Once you’ve greeted the tension it will begin to release naturally and during this New Moon moment you’d put yourself in an amazing position by helping it move through and out. That means moving the body physically, giving extra love and attention to your gut health (where all that tension gets stored) and taking your self care seriously. Feel like dancing? That’d be a smart move!

When you plant seeds and plot your path with a confident, relaxed and tension free touch your plants and plans will send forth brighter and more sure blossoms, your roots will be strong and nourished. Sew your seeds with joy, luxurious space and calm and sure spirit. Most importantly? Take deep, sexy, belly filling breaths, drop the shoulders away from the ears, relax the face. You’re on your way: grow.

Happy Birthday Sweet Taurus BB’s! I’m already feeling the sweet relief in this Earth sign and the signal to luxuriate:) xoxo Heather Ace

Photo: Digital image of the Earth with a variety of colorful and vibrant spring flowers growing up around it from @earthscandycrystals

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