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Moon Reading: New Moon in Virgo

Happy New Moon in Virgo! Even though the current astrological gravity is a bit heavy we are firmly held in Virgo, a silently strong pillar that finds its strength in a practical, methodical way forward. But, don’t discount that prominent subset of Virgo energy that loves to be Boss and buck tradition by carving unexpected and quite original ways forward. Address the tendency to overthink by balancing the mental focus with a physical focus. Get stoked on your little routines and begin to think of Wellness as the superpower and priceless asset it is.

Ally with your micro-probs: Your ability to get through the little challenges in life affects how you’ll go through the big challenges. And oh btw, the challenges never cease, they’re rolling waves that go on for eternity. It’s time to figure out how to move with the motion of the ocean instead of constantly fighting the current. The pain you endure while exercising the body, the initial awkwardness of calling someone/picking up the phone, finishing an uninspiring work project, surrendering to tidying your space, these are some of the many little challenges we’re served up throughout our day. Take a short evaluation of how you greet micro-adversity. Do you turn and run? Meet it head on but ready for war? Make deals/bargain with yourself? Do you try to think it to death? Become paralyzed? Deny, deny, deny? Lament/gnash teeth/drag feet? Do you become easily defeated/lose hope?

It is very important to understand your current ability to exist through periods of discomfort. And have no fear because the chronic inability to accept discomfort is curable:)

I’m not gonna lie, the current energy in Virgo makes it even harder to be outside of our comfort zones than usual and a deep seated urge to feel safe by “knowing it all” and feel validated (and distractedly busy) by “doing it all” rushes to the surface as a teacher during this time.

Here’s a cosmic life raft of truth:

discomfort is temporary and

discomfort is not punishment.

The throb in the back, the grief in the throat, the ache in the heart and the anger boiling in the fingertips are here to show you a cool trick, a lesson, a teaching that could add grace and ease in your walk through life. Don’t ignore discomfort. It’s not the red hot poker you fear it to be! It’s an informative road sign on your journey. The sooner you look it in the face and listen, the sooner the “sensation of its grip on you” softens.

Hot Tip: Ally with your discomfort on the small, manageable things you find in day to day  life and let the larger scale challenges be released from your sense of control. Focus on things at arms reach, tackle the molehills, celebrate your resilience with micro-adversity every time. You threw that old take-out cup in the car away, woohoo! You made it to your friends' event, go you! You put down your phone for an hour, noice! You said no to a project you didn’t have bandwidth for, hooray! Addressing and moving through discomfort with ease will mean the bigger things unfold with ease. You don’t need to have everything figured out, you just need to walk your path and approach things as they come up, in their perfect time. Allow the universe to blow you away with the full grand plan, revealed over time.

Happy Birthday Virgos!! Lots of Virgo loved ones in my life, probably because my prominent Virgo Moon can certainly vibe with all that! Sending lots of love and growth potential energy.

Xoxo Heather Ace

Photo credit of Simmering, liquid hot and churning volcano lighting up a dark night sky in the Guatemalan forest by  @nttechnicals

#newmooninvirgo #newmooninvirgo2022 #newmoonenergy #virgoseason #astrologicalreading #outsidemycomfortzone