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Release Resistance to Change

Breathe through it bb, let it go....

Significant spiritual growth may feel like a mini death and in a lot of ways it is. As we grow and change, old parts of us, outdated patterns, friends, environments and old desires shift as well. For you nostalgic cuties it can be really rough to leave something familiar, something that carries lovely memories or defined you for a time.

As you continue to transform, find ways to release resistance to the change. It's the little daily routines I try to do every day that help me ground and relax into a life that is constantly changing

Biggest Hottest Tip: Deep Breaths and Deep Gratitude, both for what is fading away and what is emerging.

Sending love to the freshness, the newness and the possibility of your best life lived!!!

xoxo Heather Ace

#transformation #dailymeditation #everythingisalwayschanging #deepbreaths