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Mindfulness In Real Life- Summer Dranks

We tend to drink more in summer, plain and simple. The days are longer, the events, weddings and celebrations are seemingly endless and our more active summer MO gives us the perfect excuse to drink more.  It's a three month party! Drinking consciously in summer can be hard for some. But not impossible!

Here's a few tips for more conscious drinking:

1. Plan outings with friends that put you in nature, not the bar. There are enough drinking related events  in summer. Plan meetings, outings and hang times with friends and loved ones at the coffee shop, park or nature trail. You may find you have friends who are weirded out about meeting up sober but you can always catch them at the next boozy  shindig.

2. Instead of 18 crappy drinks try 1-3 really amazing ones. It costs the same money to drink a ton of crap as a small amount of awesome. Turns out drinking well made cocktails is way more fun AND will probs feel better in the morning. Ask friends or do your research to find a bar in town that makes unique or incredible drinks and has enthusiastic bartenders. A great bartender can craft you a drink based on your likes. When a drink is wonderful we take much longer to sip it. We taste the flavors and layers. We appreciate the work that goes into it. This time spent truly enjoying the drink means we can feel the booziness coming on much more clearly and gauge when we've had enough with better (or any) accuracy.

3. Get to know your booze. Head to a legit tasting or take a brewery tour. Learn to appreciate the work, process and ingredients it takes to create what many consider an art.

4. Eat before you drink and stay hydrated!! The effects of alcohol are no joke. Eating a real meal that has quality protein and fat (think fish tacos with guacamole!) will SAVE YOUR LIFE!!

5. Invite your positive, happy and healthy friends out. Drinking with a Debbie Downer can quickly sour and wreck a night out. If you're gonna gonna drink alcohol make sure it's in a relaxing, upbeat and safe environment. One that you can and WANT to remember:)