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Honoring meditation mentor, teacher Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh’s insight has been the greatest influence in my meditation teaching journey so far. The walking meditations, turning dishwashing into a meditation, the “tangerine meditation” on mindful eating, I teach them and and much more importantly I use them to practice staying grounded in the present moment. This Zen Master and social justice warrior has brilliantly infused compassion, openness, joy and connection into the world, into my world, and today I will be dedicating my class in his honor with mindful breathing, laughter and compassionate connection with community.

Thank you for the example and inspiration Teacher Guide Thich Nhat Hanh, Ajo

Please join us for a free BIPOC meditation today at 10am PST. Register here:

#meditationclass #ancestralhealing #bridgework #dothework #presentmomentawareness #thankyouteacher #thichnhathanh