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Traveling, does the mind/body/spirit SO GOOD!

I visited England/Scotland with my partner and it was a grand ball!! I got to spend time with my sister who has been living in London going on 8 years and my spirit sister whom I last spent time with cooking for people at a South American ayahuasca retreat. The reunions energized me. I've got a quarter of ancestry that links back to England and Scotland. I felt the deeeeep spiritual vibes the most as we drove (on the other side of the road!) through the Scottish Highlands of Glen Coe, so breath taking. There's a lot of ancestral sorrow and pain to be acknowledged there along with a deep sense of pride and magic. Opened a damn rabbit hole of woo on that one, more insight to come.... The cities thrived, we danced at a warehouse party till the morning and met people from all over the world. We were astonished by how much LESS racial tension we felt than back home. We dipped our toes in the English Channel (Big love Brighton!) and ate all the food. We slept in tiny beds in tiny cottages and took trains through the countryside. I wanted to film the entire ride, could barely read because I didn't want to miss a second of it. No Walmarts or Arbys. Just green, so many sheep, ancient steeples and houses that won't crumble anytime soon. I kept wondering why we have to settle for less...Travel does two very profound things for me. First, it helps me remember that America doesn't have it all figured out, as I was taught in school and home. There are thriving countries with less hate, tighter communities and more social support. Second, it helps me realize how similar all humans are. We all love to eat, laugh, share stories and pass around the new baby. Why the drama? Daring my loved ones to get outside their comfort zones via travel, and exploration. Day trips count! The events that occur when you open yourself up to new perspective, your ancestry (in good and bad times) and Mother Earth are a healing ceremony in themselves. Big thank you and love to our hosts & ancestors who kept us safe and lit up our journey and path!! A big thank you to my partner Justin Ridens, you're the perfect travel buddy and I feel very to lucky to grow and expand alongside you in the compassionate, patient and hilarious space we co-create.