All in Ancestry

5 Healing Remedies of African Ancestry You Can Try Today

The knowledge of how to heal our own bodies will always live right within us all.

The self-healing path can provide an exciting way to connect with the body and unravel some of its mysteries. On this path, you might develop your power to tune out unsupportive or irrelevant voices in the mind so you can tune into what you truly need, at the moment, to grow.

European Americans: You're being called to do The Work

European Americans are the descendants of the dreamers, the rejects, the outlawed, the people with nothing to lose, the seekers, the travelers. You come from people who didn’t fit into the establishment and dreamed there could be a better way of living. It is in your bones somewhere, you completely understand the Human need to dream, create and grow. At some level, European Americans arrived in these far off lands to remember the deep wisdom of ceremony, Mother Earth and our interconnectedness that had long been abandoned and denied.