All in Healing

Get Weird To Grow: Coming to terms with being outside of your Comfort Zone

I love taking classes and trying new things but for many reasons I often show up kicking and screaming, terrified about future moments of imperfection or failure. It’s a huge drain of energy, especially considering it’s usually something I really want to do! I’m breaking through major limitations around Perfectionism.

Accepting The Body I Was Born Into

Mushrooms help expand the mind to offer us new possibilities for living and thinking. I chose a new thought pattern, and kept at it, even when doubts and old patterns worked to creep back in. Eventually, the new thought pattern replaced the old and I was living in a much kinder, exciting atmosphere. My body continues to morph and my love and appreciation sustains.

5 Healing Remedies of African Ancestry You Can Try Today

The knowledge of how to heal our own bodies will always live right within us all.

The self-healing path can provide an exciting way to connect with the body and unravel some of its mysteries. On this path, you might develop your power to tune out unsupportive or irrelevant voices in the mind so you can tune into what you truly need, at the moment, to grow.

How To Renegotiate A Relationship That Isn't Working

Are you in one of those heavy relationship moments that asks: Should I stay or should I go?! Chances are, if you're evaluating the worth of one of your relationships, you're evaluating your Life on the whole. It'd be really choppy to step into a new life and work to retain the same cast of characters. As we grow, things come and go out of our bubble, people included, it's just how it works.

Kambo Healing, The Medicine of the Amazon

For me, Kambo healing represents my ability to sit with discomfort that I might usher in a better way of living. So many of the dreams/intentions/goals I have require me to get outside my comfort zone, they require effort, practice, focus and a clear channel for inspiration to flow through. My mode tends to a more hedonistic, "feel good NOW" sort of decision making process. It's perfect for absorbing and appreciating the beautiful world around me but it's a pain in the ass when I want to change, grow and pull off something great.

5 Ways To Respond to Healer Imposter Syndrome

Make no mistake: You are a healer. The more you can lean into owning that, the better. Learn to acknowledge the voices telling you the opposite (They might sound like: You can't heal, you're too messed up! EVERYONES a healer, I'm not special, etc.). The more familiar you become with these voices, noting when they come and go, the more prepared you will be to respond in your Power.

European Americans: You're being called to do The Work

European Americans are the descendants of the dreamers, the rejects, the outlawed, the people with nothing to lose, the seekers, the travelers. You come from people who didn’t fit into the establishment and dreamed there could be a better way of living. It is in your bones somewhere, you completely understand the Human need to dream, create and grow. At some level, European Americans arrived in these far off lands to remember the deep wisdom of ceremony, Mother Earth and our interconnectedness that had long been abandoned and denied.

I can highly recommend Kambo to anyone looking for a reset, a fresh new beginning. This medicine cleared me of all thought patterns that said I was worthless and and brought me back into balance. It restored my capacity to meditate and most beautifully, Kambo strengthened the connection and communication between the mind, body and spirit so that it could balance itself, naturally. The lifelong journey in balance just got a little easier ya’ll!