Happy Birthday To My Capricorn Dad

Happy Birthday To My Capricorn Dad

I'm an Aquarius who was raised by 2 Capricorns which manifested into a real life cliche where an uber traditional Marine Corp Colonel and a pious Christian school teacher we're tasked to raise the Wild Woman before you today. They had huge plans for us like anyone who cares for youth. At times their rigidity and lack of imagination felt cold and unsupportive and I've done a lot of good work to sooth and see the misunderstood child within.

Today I stand truly grateful for the WHOLE journey, the light and shadow of it, that shaped me. I'm spending a lot less time drowning in the patterns of unresolved trauma and blindly angling for some sense of future justice. After all, my life is good and I've learned to love myself! Years of integrating my spiritual healing has earned me more willingness to lean into the things I'm grateful for.

Today on my Dad's Birthday I'm finding a lot of joy and gratitude in recalling the moments where my parents were curious, silly, relaxed and playful (and I'm realizing how much it takes to get there these days WITHOUT 3 nappy headed kids running around!).

My Dad is the king of making up hilarious little dittys, keeping Old Black Man sayings alive and whisking us away on adventures (I'm pretty sure my Dad invented his signature, now legendary, family initiative, F³, Forced Family Fun).

Thank you for the moments of laughter, levity and fun, truly the most valuable wisdom a Father, now Grandfather can pass down!!!


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