Moon Reading: New Moon in Sagittarius

Moon Reading: New Moon in Sagittarius

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!! The friendly fire of the Archer is here to embolden, illuminate and razzle our programming in the best way. This period is all about FREEDOM via heeding the voice of our Higher Self with more respect and trust.

Read below for more full moon insight:

We all have these cutting, witty, concise and searing monologues in our heads that we’d one day love to deliver to someone in our life who shakes us off balance and makes us feel exposed and misunderstood. We polish and refine them year after year waiting for that moment when something snaps and we can unleash the fury. We imagine the other person shook, flabbergasted with no comeback, eventually falling to their knees, enlightened, apologetic and shamed. 

The thought is: Once this person knows how mad I am and how terrible they’ve been they’ll see the error of their ways, take the blame and all will be right in the world. I will finally feel better.

The problem with this setup is, your freedom from suffering is hinged on something external. You can't be free until somebody else accepts responsibility for your pain. They are your captor.

So what? Let them “get away with it”? Don’t ever speak up, keep the pain buried, unaddressed and treat all gatherings like an impending war? I don’t recommend that, not to be dramatic but this path will literally rot you from the inside out and end you. 

It’s up to you to declare yourself free! How beautiful is it that Universal Rule states no one can make us feel anything we don’t want to. They sure can try but ultimately we get to dictate how we feel.

I believe you DO need to speak up and speak truth to your trauma/hurt/confusion and how it affected you. But THAT’S the release folks, the truth telling, the bi-product of vulnerability in exposing your pain. The part you fantasize about where the other  person feels remorseful and apologizes is  not guaranteed and should not be made a condition on the path to your Wholeness. 

You’ll know you’re ready to speak Truth when you can understand that your release will not be hinged on the other person’s response. You’ll understand that you are not presenting an argument. You will understand that you are making a Declaration of your release from self imposed captivity and you’ll be ready to deal with any aftermath with a sort of compassionate curiosity.  This declaration will be based in love for yourself and a desire to feel good. You will understand that the magnitude of work it takes to get to this level of vulnerability is the key to your release and can not be avoided in the process. You will be SO ready to be free.

Let me tell you, it’s a  whopper of a ceremony, a spell casting of sorts and works whether that person/thing/situation is alive/dead, in your presence or not. 

Check the roots of your feelings:  we often create captors and enemies as a way to make sense of the pain of feeling insecure, unloved, or lost. The shame of feeling like we are not enough is heavy and we often try to relieve that load by putting it onto the people closest to us. A lot of bravery, strength and maturity goes into taking responsibility for your thoughts, actions, emotions and choices.

You were broken, not destroyed. You’re surviving, adapting, growing. Stand in your self-loving power and release the rage back into the abyss, turn your captors back into humans and walk straight out of that prison (that never had a door). And remember, you’re not snatching back your freedom, you’re accepting that you’ve had it all along.

There is a rich world of abundance and curiosity beyond the pain we hold on to.  Get ready because the amount of freedom that becomes available when you release yourself from the shackles will absolutely soar you into heights you could never imagine were possible! Who are you outside of your trauma?? Let freedom ring!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAG BABIES!! Some of my all time favorite people are Sagittarius beauties including my sweet husband, an adventure seeking, stimulation craving, fun and fancy free guy. Happy Holidays, cheers to operating beyond the repeated cycles of pain and trauma and moving into more connection, understanding and compassion!

With love and newness, Heather Ace xoxo

Beautiful, colorful painting of cleansing fire refining a being by @linneinthemoon

#newmooninSagittarius #Sagittariusseason #newmoonwisdom #firesign #letfreedomring #happyholidays #bipocastrology #ancestralhealing

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