Speaking Your Mind vs. Speaking Your Truth

Speaking Your Mind vs. Speaking Your Truth

Everyone has something to say, for better or worse, and the most potent oral offering is Speaking Your Truth. But that’s easier said than done and we often default into speaking our Mind, a constructed narrative we’re much more familiar with. Lord knows I’ve obsessed over  future conversations and the perfect comebacks.  I always want to get it “JUST RIGHT”, scratch this deep itch to be seen and feel inside some Inner Circle.  But the need to “Be Right” drained me, it was never satisfied. Where does One find relief? In your Truth. 

Let your personal quest for Truth spark curiosity inward, not vengeance outward. 

Merry Journeys Ya’ll:)

Speaking Your Mind

-It’s goal is to win, manipulate or coerce someone over to your line of thinking

-It may come in the form of judgement, harsh boundary setting, or desire to control & correct

-It may provoke your Body to raise blood pressure, tense up, clench jaw, quicken Breath

-It uses your own personal rule system or one you’ve adopted to PROVE  points

-It will not be satisfied until you’ve found a way to change Minds

-It scratches the deep itch to be right and/or serve justice

-It can’t wait to put a person in “their place”, feelings be damned

-It rarely leaves room for two perspectives to live in the same moment

-It is usually followed with a return to your battle plan 

Speaking Your Truth

-It can you usually be distilled down to one sentence that is deeply personal

-It is usually honed in on, over time, in meditation, reflection and Self discovery

-It may come in the form of deep vulnerability, humble bravery, patience and Self-compassion

-It is your personal Truth, it is often felt and does not require proof to exist

-It is satisfied without any expectations about how it will be received or if a Mind will be changed

-It does not seek to be right, it seeks only to be spoken and witnessed

-It’s so raw/real/foundational that you tend to avoid or even fear speaking it

-It suffers in silence rather than venture the possibility of feeling shame or hurting feelings

-It leaves room for perspectives and other Truths to live in the same moment/World

-It is usually followed with a deep sense of freedom, balance, space and compassion

#speakyourtruth #listen #compassionateconversation #loveisalanguage #universallanguageoflove #letuscometogether #beherenow

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