Moon Reading: Full Moon in Taurus

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Taurus

Happy Full Beaver Moon in Taurus with a Total Lunar Eclipse! We come to our bookend eclipse and a buzzy ass (to see the very least) Taurean moon (during Scorpio season) full of Earth, texture, pointy horns and intense jewel tones. Ya’ll hear that bacon sizzle?? Feel the grease pop bright on your skin? Taste the salty goodness? Feel the indulgent shame? That’s what this time feels like right now. A sumptuous mix of intensity and pleasure. I’m SURE you feel the intensity but, depending on your proximity to distractions/energy leaks, you may or may not be able to tap into the subtle but oh-so-there sensorial goodness. 

Read on for more full moon insights:

Be Indulgent With Your Hope: Hopeful energy is often attached to a very specific outcome. If things don’t appear to be going toward that very specific outcome it’s easy to lose hope, to believe that things have to, or are,  inevitably going to get worse. That’s a trap. All you have to  hope is that things will continue to get better as each generation learns to offer more compassion and understanding than the ones before us (which is true, despite the “sunshine and roses” picture our history books presented us). 

I suggest you keep your hope general and do yourself a whole ton of favors by not stewing in the influences that paint a picture of a future that gives you anxiety and causes hope to drain from your body and mind. If the human brain is capable of 60,000 thoughts a day I think you’ll be good to let some of those go, which sickly or disease infested branches should be pruned?

Hope is not immature, naive, denial based or selfish. Hope is what has changed policy, minds, worlds. Dare to hope by starting with a review on how you perceive chaos and upheaval. They very well go hand in hand as the hope we cultivate brings on a powerful shift and change. 

The “Please Excuse Our Dust” sign stays up for Life lol. 

You. Can. Not. See. The. Whole. Story. Stop trying to write the ending when the story is still being told. It helps to  look around for the giggle inducing goodness, the heartbreaking shift, the examples of progress where you can collect it and bathe in it.  If absolutely anything can happen, I challenge you to feed the energies of hope and love instead of feeding the energies of jadedness and fear. In this way, hope becomes the greatest tool The People have in creating the world we think we deserve.

Snuggle, eat soup, organize your sweaters, do all the things that support your feel goodedness and help to cultivate hope. With love and understanding xoxo Heather Ace

Picture Credit: Black person raise fist to blue sky wearing multicolored clothes, pick in afro, hoops in a photo by @ndartlife

#fullmoonintaurus #totallunarecplise #scorpioseason #fullmoon #bipocastrology #indulgeinhope

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