All tagged Full Moon

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Pisces

Happy Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces!! Were coming off of a powerful, action-oriented Leo Season that had a real “take-no-prisoners-in-my-quest-for-light & alignment” quality to it. If you dared to say YES to transformation last month then surely you felt the flaming hot winds of shift in all its forms. We’ll never be the same. In this Full Moon moment we use the extra illumination of this moon and the Piscean ability to dig deep to our full advantage. Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aquarius

Happy Super Full Moon in Aquarius!  We’ve got a bright, robust and juicy moon moment on our hands that combines a Leo reminder to always be true to yourself as a path to Self Love and an Aquarian reminder to always be true to yourself as a path to Group Harmony. Turns out being authentic and confident in your Truth is good for EVERYBODY!  Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Leo

Happy Full Snow Moon in Leo! All the planets are direct and we’ve got an astral break from the planetary rollercoaster of the last many years. But, that doesn’t mean it’s time to pause. The Aquarius Air is blowing up the Leo Fire and that means it’s time to Show UP! Read on for more moon insight…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Cancer

Happy Full Wolf Moon in Cancer!! This is our first Full moon of 2023 that rises as the wonder/chaos/cheer/clamor of Holiday Season 2022 wraps up. You might already be plotting your 2023 but if you’re not integrating what you just went through then you may be scheduling yourself to repeat it… on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Gemini

Happy Full Cold Moon in Gemini! The very last full moon of 2022, wow. We know Gemini moments have the potential to bring clarity in how we communicate in the world but with the way all the planets are aligned things have the potential to get…heated, volatile. The key is, keep it elastic. Read on for more full moon insights….

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Taurus

Happy Full Beaver Moon in Taurus with a Total Lunar Eclipse! We come to our bookend eclipse and a buzzy ass (to see the very least) Taurean moon (during Scorpio season) full of Earth, texture, pointy horns and intense jewel tones. Ya’ll hear that bacon sizzle?? Feel the grease pop bright on your skin? Taste the salty goodness? Feel the indulgent shame? That’s what this time feels like right now. A sumptuous mix of intensity and pleasure. I’m SURE you feel the intensity but, depending on your proximity to distractions/energy leaks, you may or may not be able to tap into the subtle but oh-so-there sensorial goodness.

Read on for more full moon insights:

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Scorpio

Happy Full Flower Super Blood Moon in Scorpio with a Total Lunar Eclipse! And might I add, during another potent and revealing Mercury Retrograde. Ok that’s a lot of things! Don’t let the murky velvet waters of Scorpio lose you in confusion. This is a healing time, a golden opportunity to transform! Let the water be a mirror you might bravely hold your gaze with long enough to see something new within…More moon insights below….