Kambo Healing, The Medicine of the Amazon

Kambo Healing, The Medicine of the Amazon

For me, Kambo healing represents my ability to sit with discomfort that I might usher in a better way of living. So many of the dreams/intentions/goals I have require me to get outside my comfort zone, they require effort, practice, focus and a clear channel for inspiration to flow through. My mode tends to a more hedonistic, "feel good NOW" sort of decision making process. It's perfect for absorbing and appreciating the beautiful world around me but it's a pain in the ass when I want to change, grow and pull off something great.  Kambo gives me the opportunity to practice and recently, to make friends with, discomfort and the process of riding the  waves of change up and down. In ceremony I know that the process can be uncomfortable (and at times downright painful) but that the result will leave me with clarity of soul/body/mind and a reestablished familiarity with the the process of "Doing The Work." After ceremony ends and a time of introspection passes, I feel like a warrior goddess, a true Medicine Woman and a human who is looking out for their best intentions, who believes in their greatest ability. It's not for the faint of heart and it's by no means a magic pill that makes all my wildest dreams come true. It is however a cleanser and a clearer that shows me that I have everything I need to make all my wildest dreams come true. 

Check out the video and blog on my website for a more detailed account of my experience with Kambo Medicine.


Thank you to the Matses tribe of the Amazon for being loving stewards of the incredible Phyllomedusa frog from which Kambo is sustainably harvested. My prayer is that those who are called by the medicine find a way forward in love, compassion and a return to ourselves.

Thank you Keidren @kambotonic for holding such beautiful space for me on my journey with this medicine.

 Beautiful illustration of the phyllomedusa frog from @vibrationpainter (Instagram)

Kambo medicine setup from @kambotonic   www.kambotonic.com                                                          

Thank you Lake Crescent and the Olympic Peninsula for the space and help to metabolize all the healing, clearing and lessons

#kambo #kambohealing #dothework #autoimmunerelief #getoutsideyourcomfortzone #ahealershealing #mybestself #medicinewoman #treasuresoftheamazon

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