Yoni Steaming (aka Vaginal Steaming)

Yoni Steaming (aka Vaginal Steaming)

The thought of sending hot steam up through my vagina seemed both bizzare and genius to me. You may know this Mayan healing lineage ritual by the name of Yoni Steaming, yoni being the Sanskrit word for womb/source/abode/origin that connotes the deeply spiritual and emotional whole of a woman's reproductive magic.

I'll cut to the chase, it been a bizarre, genius and incredible experience. I was surprised at how...penetrative the steam was for mind, body and soul. Basically, you steep a specifically chosen mix of herbs/flowers in a large pot of water. You put the pot (with a cover to manage the flow of steam) under a seat that allows steam upwards through your vagina as you sit with intention.

I like to use the time to meditate, usually a self compassion meditation. After about 20-30 minutes the steam subsides, I put on some cozy clothes and sip a calming tea, maybe journal, maybe just chill. It's all very soothing.  There wasn't a particular reason I tried vaginal steaming, I was just drawn to explore my body after having a pretty life changing Mayan abdominal massage. I've steamed a few times now and each time I have had a very deep, cleansing and real cry. You know, one of those body shaking ones that clears old trauma and stuck emotions and you just feel relieved and grateful after? A true shift. It's also continued my journey of loving my vagina after spending the first part of my twenties acting grossed out by it (why? societal pressure, a sexually backwards Christian upbringing, and a complete misunderstanding of the myriad of ways healthy vaginas present).  I realized at a very young age that I didn't want to have and raise children and yoni steaming created this connection to my womb that I'd left unrealized. Whether we bear children or not, we're all Mothers to each other in different ways. 

There's a power and wisdom in the womb. When we set the intention and space we can access it, even if the physical organ isn't present in our particular body.  The gravitas of vaginal steaming is one of those woo things you gotta  feel to believe. 

Do you the work and have fun researching the Maya roots of vaginal steaming. Research the folks in your community who make great herbal blends, offer facilitated sessions or have further information on vaginal steaming. (Please remember to check any contraindications before engaging in this ritual. Avoid steaming during pregnancy, moons and infection in your vaginal region.


Thank you Heidi at Root Down Healing Arts  for the healing abdominal massage and yoni steam blend that kicked off my journey.  Thank you Vanessa at Madrona House Apothecary for whipping up the last batch of beautiful plant medicine I steamed with (pictured).

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