Moon Reading: New Moon in Aries

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aries

Happy New Moon in Aries 2022!!! This first sign of the Zodiac reflects newness, a purifying fire. Mixed with the New Moon energy, it creates the perfect time for new beginnings or at least seeing things in a whole new light. Check out more moon insights below!

Meet Your Fears Head On: When fear and doubt crop up we often shrink back in anxiety, letting uncertainty either freeze us in our tracks or take the wheel and point us toward Samesville (where we think we’ll find comfort). Go on the offense this season. Stare your fears down and say, “I see you mf !!!!” Often, just acknowledging a worst case scenario, out loud, can shrink it down to size and offer us some breathing room to make better decisions or grapple with the inherent unpredictability of life on Earth. You are constantly being offered opportunities that you will be able to handle as you go through the process, not necessarily opportunities you’re ready for right here and now. That’d be boring because, really, we humans want our authentic inner fires to be stoked with the winds of new energy. Find your craving for expansion and growth. 

Tip toe closer to the ledge, you cannot fail, you can only learn more.

Meet Your Confidence Head On: Confidence is a magical and powerful elixir. It comes from 2 parts genuine self love and 1 part not caring for a minute about the stories others have created for you. I get it, as a recovering People Pleaser I used to care more about what others thought of me than what I thought about myself. It was exhausting and ultimately a massive lesson in futility and bad time management. All I really needed to focus on was how I thought about myself, to get right in my own head, see my awesomeness and hold that torch. How revolutionary and daring to love yourself and think that you’re worthy and deserving even when there’s voices, whispers and narratives that insist you think otherwise! Do what I did, fake the confidence until it becomes a pattern you believe. Repeat your worth and loveliness, often, out loud and to people who wholeheartedly agree. Want to supercharge your confidence? Build up others, help others see the awesomeness and beauty in themselves and you’ll create a tide of confidence that will eventually float all the boats around you. Shoulders back, head up, take up this space you were gifted.

WOOHOO Happy Birthday to you fiery Aries babes!! Always coming in hot with the ideas and the drive, manifesting quickly whatever you let your bellies dream up

With love and admiration xoxo Heather Ace

Art by Sheeba Maya @sheeba_maya

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