All tagged moon readings

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Leo

Happy Full Moon in Leo! Happy Aquarius Season!

 I’ve been writing astral/moon insights for three beautiful years, almost to the day, and feel the Aquarian winds of transition and change blowing me toward new creative pursuits and curiosities to sink my teeth into.

I can't believe it’s been that long, I’m proud of myself dangit! It’s been a really lovely thing in my life on so many levels. 

Moon Reading: New Moon in Capricorn

Happy New Moon in Capricorn!! I can’t think of a better moment to reset/repair/retool the attitudes and actions you’ve currently got on loop. New Moons are an incredible time to plant new seeds and renew/reclaim/reintegrate the gifts and awareness you’ve been given and the work that you’ve done thus far. If you’re looking for a sign to step it up, do things a little more luxuriously and reimagine your path:  this 1/11 First New Moon of the year is IT! 

Read on for more moon insights.

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Cancer

Happy Full Cold Moon in Cancer!! I’m writing this to you at the airport on my way to Accra, Ghana. This is my first time to Africa where my ancestors thrived before the chattel slave industry began. Truly there isn’t a better moon for a Homecoming than the Cancer Full moon and it’s all happening during the Winter Solstice and a hearty Mercury Retrograde aka the messages on security, family, compassion, heritage and home are coming in RED HOT.
Read on for more moon readings…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Sagittarius

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!!! The last new moon of the year is upon us and brings with it the freshest of fires. Where normally this sign and a New Moon might ask us to blaze new trails and start things anew, this cycle we are being asked to tie up loose ends and put our desires in the refiners fire…read on for more moon insight.

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Gemini

Happy Full Beaver Moon in Gemini!! We move from Scorpio’s waters to Sagittarius’s fires under a communicative, buzzy Gemini moon. We’ll have the power of Big Picture thinking in our quiver and if we play our cards right, the ability to communicate as clearly and confidentially as our soul allows! Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Taurus

Happy Full Hunter’s Lunar Eclipse Moon in Taurus! We have been moving through major layers of growth, ya’ll feel that? In this moon moment we have a chance to stabilize, phew, an invitation for healing balance if we’re brave enough to  sit in the stillness & realness that the journey requires. Read on for more moon moments…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aries

Happy Full Moon in Aries! It’s the glorious Harvest Moon, the last Supermoon until 2025 and we’re squarely in airy Libra Season. It's also the changing of the seasons in both hemispheres with Autumn emerging once again up North. All that to say: it’s time to recalibrate!! Read on for more moon insight….

Moon Reading: New Moon in Virgo

Happy New Moon in Virgo!! Calling all spaceships back to Mother Earth! We’re coming out of a moon cycle that was full of introspection and growth potential along with the end of the latest Mercury Retrograde journey. We’re also moving into the changing of the seasons. Aka there are bags and bags of lessons and wisdom to be integrated! Before you start stressing about how to win some sort of spiritual growth race, take a deep breath and pause. You are enough, You are exactly where you need to be and you have everything you need to get what you want!  Read on for more full moon insight…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Pisces

Happy Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces!! Were coming off of a powerful, action-oriented Leo Season that had a real “take-no-prisoners-in-my-quest-for-light & alignment” quality to it. If you dared to say YES to transformation last month then surely you felt the flaming hot winds of shift in all its forms. We’ll never be the same. In this Full Moon moment we use the extra illumination of this moon and the Piscean ability to dig deep to our full advantage. Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aquarius

Happy Super Full Moon in Aquarius!  We’ve got a bright, robust and juicy moon moment on our hands that combines a Leo reminder to always be true to yourself as a path to Self Love and an Aquarian reminder to always be true to yourself as a path to Group Harmony. Turns out being authentic and confident in your Truth is good for EVERYBODY!  Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Scorpio

Happy Full Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio! The folks of Greater North America will not be able to see this Lunar Eclipse but dang are. We. feeling. It! Deep lessons come with the water sign that would have you thinking it’s a fire sign, due to its intensity in shining light on our shadows. Our emotions have risen to the surface and the tension is real. Don’t squirm away in agony, this Rawness is a rich time to renew your relationship with grief and discomfort. 

Hear me out.  Read on for more full moon messages…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aries

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in the final degrees of Aries! We have a NEW BEGINNINGS turducken on our hands with the second Aries New Moon of the year and the beginning of eclipse season with a rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse. Also, Taurus season kicks off just as another Mercury Retrograde arrives. Yoinks! We are also ending a cycle along the Taurus/Scorpio axis and entering the  Aries/Libra axis where we are asked to wield our Independence at the same time that we are asked to renew and upgrade how we are in all of our relationships. This Tall Order may have you feeling like go-go-GOING for the gold but you’d be more wise to reflect and absorb and hear the lessons out before making any major moves. The healing upheaval is still under way. Read on for more moon insight…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aries

Happy New Moon in Aries! The first sign of the Zodiac, in all its fiery, independent, wonder filled glory has arrived. Every year I marvel at the intertwining of the seasons and signs. When I see the flowers push through the ground, delicate and strong,  and baby animals engaging with Earth it gets me thinking about my own power and the gift we all have to be born anew at any moment. 

Read on for more New Moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Virgo

Happy Full Worm Moon in Virgo!! Were in a major time of transitional energy with the Spring Equinox weeks away and the ramp up into the sparking, outward facing fire of Aries from this inward facing, deep pool of self-actualizing reflection (aka marinating on and feeling aligned with your Potential). Read on for more full moon insight…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aquarius

Happy New Moon in Aquarius/ Lunar New Year! We started the year with a jolt of focused, productive Capricornian energy that is likely fading into a familiar hangover of  lost motivation and that cynical, almost taunting voice of doubt. Take a deep breath and accept the fresh, airy invitation to reset your intentions anew and retool your approach. This invitation requires a collective, big picture view instead of the heavily personalized, step-by-step, day-by-day approach of before. Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Gemini

Happy Full Cold Moon in Gemini! The very last full moon of 2022, wow. We know Gemini moments have the potential to bring clarity in how we communicate in the world but with the way all the planets are aligned things have the potential to get…heated, volatile. The key is, keep it elastic. Read on for more full moon insights….

Moon Reading: New Moon in Scorpio

Happy New Moon in Scorpio (with a partial solar eclipse!) You’d think this triple dose of inward energy (new moon/water sign/eclipse) would have us in a rip-current of emotion right now (and if it does, absolutely no shade, we all see you and get you!). Fortuitously, there is a Venusian (of the Plant Venus) tint to this moment which means the sensitivity and emotional wave will feel less like a tsunami and more like a warm outdoor rainfall shower with intense water pressure…Read on for more moon insights

Moon Reading: New Moon in Gemini

Happy New Moon in Gemini!! New Moons signal for us to look inward and so do Mercury Retrogrades, which we’re currently in. Both of these moments also deal with communication so we’ve got a huge assignment to gaze bravely and honestly into how we transmit, express and impart our Truth. Are you poisoning/cluttering with your communication or nourishing/lifting up? Read onward for more moon insights!

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Scorpio

Happy Full Flower Super Blood Moon in Scorpio with a Total Lunar Eclipse! And might I add, during another potent and revealing Mercury Retrograde. Ok that’s a lot of things! Don’t let the murky velvet waters of Scorpio lose you in confusion. This is a healing time, a golden opportunity to transform! Let the water be a mirror you might bravely hold your gaze with long enough to see something new within…More moon insights below….

Moon Reading: New Moon in Aries

Happy New Moon in Aries!!! This first sign of the Zodiac reflects newness, a purifying fire. Mixed with the New Moon energy, it creates the perfect time for new beginnings or at least seeing things in a whole new light. Check out more moon insights here!