Moon Reading: New Moon in Cancer

Moon Reading: New Moon in Cancer

 Happy New Moon in Cancer!!

In true Cancerian form I gave myself permission to enjoy an extended wedding reception celebration with my beloved Husband whom I wed in our backyard two short blissful years ago and celebrated with family a week ago. We’re doing things in a flow that makes sense for our life and creating new rituals, traditions and ways of being. I purposefully picked the date of our wedding reception/family reunion/house party to coincide with the new moon in Cancer as this moon brings the Ancestors close and  is the BIG ONE for clarifying the caliber, quality and condition of what you consider your Family. It’s about creating and supporting spaces and communities that feel like home and reconnecting with your relations in fresh new ways. The big work lies in focusing on the relationships that nourish you and the folks that sing your praises in an era where toxic and confusing relationships get the most air time. Did I mention it was big work? Read on for more New Moon insight.

Healthy Family Focus:  It is a beautiful thing in life that you can join and create families that suit one's needs, relationships and passions. Many of us are bound up in undefined loyalties to families we were born/brought into and find it hard to break out of the roles we were assigned to and the patterns we’ve tread for so long with the same people. In this New Moon moment, oh,  it’s so important to seek family within the OTHER various lineages you were born into whether it is writers, knitters, parents, travelers, story tellers, cooks, photographers, you get it. Find your people! Create your dream family!  Do not waste time grinding over the if, and’s, but’s and why’s of the relationships that aren’t actually nourishing you, It. Only. Amplies. Them. 

The more you can focus on people you’re aligned to at a soul level, the more you’ll find the freedom and confidence to celebrate and further explore your true nature. Extra credit: Let the people who make you feel good know all about it and be sure to allow others the joy of supporting YOU every now and then.

Create Space: This is a beautiful time for a mindful declutter of home and body. It is unreal how much an external reset can really support internal transformation. Wake your home up, activate it, tend to it and that includes your physical body (and your emotional body too!). Blow cobwebs away and wipe the windows. For the next six months make it your joyful mission to find and celebrate VITALITY in your home, routines and body. Keep it fun and light as possible.

Happy Birthday Cancer Babies!! Thank you for the lessons in community and the notion that our Dream Home Sweet Home is available to us the minute we’re ready for it (aka can accept that we’re deserving of it always). Back to my new-newlywed bliss, my cup absolutely runneth over so if you’re reading this, soak it in and spread it ‘round, be good to people xoxo Heather Ace

#newmoonincancer #cancerseason #homesweethome #semiwoo #highvibrationastrology

Photo of Friends/Family around a colorful campfire with bubbles & bliss. We stayed up singing and dancing until sunrise, just like I envisioned! By @evil_jineval

Photo of my dear husband @ridensj and I, sharing our love and celebrating our marriage at our dreamy wedding reception July 2023, not sure which loved one snagged this one!

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