All tagged moon

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Gemini

Happy Full Beaver Moon in Gemini!! We move from Scorpio’s waters to Sagittarius’s fires under a communicative, buzzy Gemini moon. We’ll have the power of Big Picture thinking in our quiver and if we play our cards right, the ability to communicate as clearly and confidentially as our soul allows! Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: New Moon in Libra

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra! A swath of the world might be able to see a ring of fire in the sky today. This signals  a call for us humans, of the same material as the Sun, to look at our shadows. Often the sides of ourselves we fear the most end up being our biggest allies in our journey toward authenticity and meaningful relationships. In this moon moment, even micro changes can lead to major life transformations. Read on for more moon insights…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aries

Happy Full Moon in Aries! It’s the glorious Harvest Moon, the last Supermoon until 2025 and we’re squarely in airy Libra Season. It's also the changing of the seasons in both hemispheres with Autumn emerging once again up North. All that to say: it’s time to recalibrate!! Read on for more moon insight….

Moon Reading: New Moon in Cancer

In true Cancerian form I gave myself permission to enjoy an extended wedding reception celebration with my beloved Husband whom I wed in our backyard two short blissful years ago and celebrated with family a week ago. We’re doing things in a flow that makes sense for our life and creating new rituals, traditions and ways of being. I purposefully picked the date of our wedding reception/family reunion/house party to coincide with the new moon in Cancer as this moon brings the Ancestors close and  is the BIG ONE for clarifying the caliber, quality and condition of what you consider your Family. It’s about creating and supporting spaces and communities that feel like home and reconnecting with your relations in fresh new ways. The big work lies in focusing on the relationships that nourish you and the folks that sing your praises in an era where toxic and confusing relationships get the most air time. Did I mention it was big work? Read on for more New Moon insight.

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Capricorn

Happy Full Buck Super Moon in Capricorn! This moon is called the Buck Moon because it’s the time of year when the antlers of the deer reach their maximum growth potential. Likewise, this moon asks us to take stock of our own potential and use that awareness to manifest  from a place of more clarity, accuracy and authenticity. We’re always working to love ourselves enough to trust our intuition but this month we find the inner strength to actually do that work.. Read on for more full moon insight…

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Aries

Happy Full Hunter's Moon in Aries!!

The mighty wind of a potent Mercury Retrograde is now fading but the feels and intensity may not soon diminish

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool...Before tipping into despair, know that Aries is a mighty fire sign known for its bravery, stamina and adept ability in forging paths and creating new worlds and energies. YOU CAN DO THI

And aim high while you’re at it!

Moon Reading: New Moon in Cancer

Happy New Moon in Cancer!!! The moon is resting comfortably in her own sign so breath in vibrations of release and being held. Many parts of life are beginning to reopen and the N. Hemisphere summer has come into full swing, yay! On the flip side you may all of a sudden be dealing with nostalgia and/or sadness over leaving the cozy homebody life…

Moon Reading: Full Super Strawberry Moon in Capricorn

Happy Full Strawberry Supermoon in Capricorn!! The beautiful cosmic chaos has quelled a bit as Mercury goes direct and a powerful series of eclipses and The Summer Solstice are in our rearview mirror. It’s a lovely time to harness the tenacity of Earth Goat Capricorn as you press your way forward into the unknown. It’s also Water Crab Cancer time which means lessons around tending to home, vulnerability and village will also surface. Here are more insights offered for your way…

Moon Reading: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini! This intense, future flowing Air sign offers lessons around communication, expression and life's inherent dichotomy. And it’s all happening during Mercury Retrograde (gifting us challenges with communication and asking us to reflect) and during a Solar Eclipse (a potent time to create new inner change and transformation). The Twins are serving up a five alarm Duality Soup! Read on for more insight into this current time.