Moon Reading: New Moon in Capricorn

Moon Reading: New Moon in Capricorn

Happy New Moon in Capricorn & Winter Solstice! With Jupiter’s push for expansion heavy in the mix and New Chapter vibes from both the New Moon AND Winter Solstice ya’ll know Capricorn season will be asking you to swim to the lowest depths and climb to the highest heights to align yourself with the freshest, baddest version you can desire for yourself. Read on for more moon insights….

During this Capricorn season we’re going to  be less agro about getting sh** done. Sometimes Doing is a waste of our focus and our energy and we end up more depleted than when we started. 

But standing still feels almost….uncomfortable at this moment. The New Moon AND the Winter Solstice have presented us with blank pages to fill with endless possibility. To add to the mix, Jupiter is casting a deep current of expansion around us all. For me, personally, it feels like GO time when I’ve been living with stop signs in my face for three years.

But here’s the thing. Doing for doing’s sake isn’t going to get us anywhere. It’s not about starting a new website and buying new business cards, getting new clothes, changing the body, making an announcement or burning bridges. It’s about grounding into the rhythm of fertility and newness with achievable and digestible little ways to make yourself feel more confident, focused and responsible. 

This Capricorn season we are nourishing from the ground up, we are starting with getting our sleep right, adopting a mindful practice, we are reclaiming our time, we are adopting a more positive mindspace, we are being mindful with our monetary and energetic spending and eating more nourishing foods. That’s it, responsible dorky self care,  and that’s A LOT, honestly you do any ONE OF those things with regularity and you’re on the mountain top.

Know that being organized and intentional with your physical and mental health will cause toxic and unaligned things to fall away naturally and with energy saving ease. Let em, you WILL need the room for your new desires to blossom, and blossom they shall. 

This is what grounded expansion looks like, it starts from the inside out, it address the emotional body in tandem with the physical,  it’s sustainable, it creates space that doesn’t feel pressure to be filled, it's unhurried, it celebrates baby sized steps, it’s practical and do-able.

Inch forward with your health, wellness, mind space hygiene and self-care and the Creativity, Energy, Inspiration and Focus you so desire will appear as if by magic. 

Happy Joyous  Manifesting in 2023!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST CAPRICORNS!! I was raised by two Capicorns and I am quite glad to have this unspoken, almost rhythmic desire for routine. Routine gets shit done and breaks the day (and life) into digestible pieces that don’t overwhelm my Aquarian ability to dream into the great beyond. What a gift:) Here’s to nurturing the nurturer within this Capricorn Season! xoxo Heather Ace

Photo Credit of a hibernating tree bathing in the electrifying light of an aurora borealis: @ntechnicals

#newmoonincapricorn #wintersolstice #newmoon #capricornseason #radicalselfcare # lastnewmoon

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