Moon Reading: Full Moon in Capricorn

Moon Reading: Full Moon in Capricorn

Happy Full Super Buck Moon in Capricorn!! I’m really feeling the entry of this steadfast Earth sign, showing up like a fertile island during our watery journey through Cancer Season. The Crab’s lessons of home/family/relationship/belonging bring massive shifts and the Sea Goat is here to help us make a bit more sense of it all. Read below for more moon insights:

ITime for an Actual Reality Check: It’s truly the things we misunderstand or avoid that we fear the most. When we don’t have details, facts and personal experience to create our reality, our mind tends to fill in the blanks, often moving to the worst case scenario to find meaning. 

During this Full Moon season, do not ground in uncertainty. Be brave! Shed big light on the things that scare you, walk towards that which you don’t understand. In this way you quell terror almost instantly as your curiosity takes over and your knowledge deepens. 

This full moon moment gives you permission to lean into the practicality of it all so let your emotional body rest and adapt while you build, restore and restructure your foundations. 

If your financial situation freaks you out, if your relationship is a tangle of complication, if you can’t understand why, who, what, or where: get curious about it in illuminating discovery, not “head in the sand” “wait for the worst/hope for the best” avoidance. Write stuff out, calculate, let the process be physical, visible and tangible. Participate earnestly.

I tell you this, when you get everything out in the open, when you earnestly call in clarity, you will very quickly realize there is nothing to be afraid of. You will realize you have the  answers. And you will know these answers have arrived to serve you well. Where you once felt frozen or backed into a corner you will feel the abundance of options, opportunities and paths forward. 

There is rich opportunity for growth here, a deep well of potential for happiness. 

Ask the Big Questions.

Be sure to move, undulate, shake and release!! Move old energy through and take time to rest and absorb the new delicious energy that comes in after it. 

With love and appreciation xoxo Heather Ace

Photo Credit @galaxyaroundyou

#fullmoonenergy #fullmoonincapricorn #supermoon #buckmoon #askthebigquestions #contrastcreatesclarity #knowthyself #astrology #moonreadings #astrologicalguidance #cancerseason

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THANK YOU for meditating with me!

THANK YOU for meditating with me!