Moon Reading: New Moon in Pisces

Moon Reading: New Moon in Pisces

Happy New Moon in Pisces! After weeks of “Live out loud-This is who I am World- Sorry, not sorry” energy we enter a double dose of introspection and turn inward to refocus on how we're living with and treating our OG best friend: ourselves. I couldn’t quite lure the words for this Moon Reading to come through onto the page so I’m providing this lovely excerpt from a Moon Reading that said it all so well!

From Jill Wintersteen of @spiritdaughter:

The key to this new Moon is to just be, allowing inspiration to come from the Universe. We often feel that we need to do something to manifest our dreams. This Moon teaches us that we do not need to do anything. We merely need to receive guidance from ourselves and the Universe.

The energy of Pisces, like the ocean, helps quiet the noise around us, giving way to our inner knowledge. If there was ever a Moon to meditate on, this is it. Spend some time sitting in meditation and be open to receiving guidance. Suspend any preconceived notions about what you should be feeling or experiencing, and get in touch with what is. Experience yourself in your as-is state, not trying to shift or cause anything to happen. In this simple energy of being, you become receptive to knowledge in the form of ah-ha moments, flashes of insight, feelings of direction, and pulls of inner knowing.

We often think our intuition is challenging to recognize, but once you learn to quiet your mind’s fluctuations, your intuition shines through so brightly that you won’t be able to ignore it. Your intuition comes in waves of feelings. When you feel it, you’ll know. It becomes easier to recognize when you become aware of your emotional reactions.

When you are in a reactive state, it can be more challenging to hear your inner knowledge. Spend time calming your nervous system, through breathing exercises and meditation, to shift from a state of reaction to a state of being. If you feel yourself becoming triggered at any time, bring your attention back to your breath and the present moment. Align with Pisces to think of yourself as the ocean. There will be times when your waves will rise, but it’s always in your power to calm yourself. In a calm state, you can hear your intuition more clearly and can receive from it and the Universe the information you need for your visions.

Along with being and receiving, this Moon is a time to imagine. Pisces inspires us to feel our most creative self. This is a Moon made for daydreams. Give yourself permission to let your mind wander—not down a rabbit hole of anxious thoughts but to new destinations in your imagination.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL PISCES BABIES!! Thank you for your example of realness in a world that can seem so fake. I look forward to a renewed commitment to my meditation/spiritual practice after a few weeks of Aquarius partying/celebration. See yall on the other side xoxo Heather Ace

#piscesnewmoon #newmoon #piscesseason #gowithin

Read the full length article here

Graphic by @spiritdaugther

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