5 Healing Opportunities for Growth, Healing & Transformation
I have such a great network of healers/facilitators/medicine folk here in the Pacific Northwest!! Here are just a handful of upcoming opportunities to look into...
Gathering Roots- BIPOC Yoga and Wellness, Online
Light Owl Healing- Heart Healing Circle in West Seattle, WA
Sword & Lotus- Breathwork and Yoga retreat in St. Helens, OR, in person classes in Queen Anne, WA and Online
River Medicine- A river raftering/Breathwork/ Qi Gong adventure retreat on the Salmon River, ID
Taylor Azar- In person breathwork workshop series in North Seattle, WA (I'll be assisting in person!)
#seattlemindfulness #pnwmindfulness #breathworkretreatpnw #yogaretreatpnw #onlinehealing #healingworkshop #seattlebreathwork #bipochealing