Semi Woo Moon Reading: Super Full Pink Moon in Scorpio

Semi Woo Moon Reading: Super Full Pink Moon in Scorpio

Happy Full Pink Supermoon in Scorpio!! Holy Guacamole this moon is gonna have you feeling aaaal the feels. Scorpio is a water sign that likes to dive deeply and bravely into emotional worlds and the subconscious that we carry but don’t often explore. It’s also Taurus season so we’re getting this intense mashup. Embrace the polarity! Ground yourself in Earth sign Taurus while diving deeper into your True Nature and Purpose with water sign Scorpio. Here’s some hot tips to navigate this Super Full Moon:

-Pick your battles

The Scorpio side of this moment might have you feeling like you urgently need to put out fires all over the place! You’ve got bigger fish to fry. Take advantage of this energy and seek to heal the bigger, foundational themes in your life that are coming up to be seen and healed. FEEL your emotions and get deep. Ultimately healing our greatest traumas heals the side effects that manifest along the way.

-Fortify your relationships by testing them with truth and intimacy

It’s super easy to be friends with folks when you keep everything on a surface level and that’s where some relationships belong. If you’re looking to tighten and evolve your treasured relationships, this is a ripe time to co-create a space where you can get deep, speak truth and heal any unspoken patterns that aren’t serving you. A relationship that can survive heart opening, compassionate and deep conversation is worth the fleeting uncomfortability. Dare to be vulnerable!

Trust your intuition

Scorpio is adept at operating with intuition and letting their passion guide them. Thoughts and feelings are there to guide us, not there to vex us and lead us astray. Trust yourself! Since it is a full moon, following your intuition may look like letting something fall away or letting go of something. Do not resist the aftermath, whatever comes in the wake of you trusting your Spirit Body is meant to be and will surely lead you closer to your most authentic life path. 

BONUS: Embrace the superpowers of surrender and flow. The intensity of this Full Moon may have you feeling like you want to resist, cling to your comfort zone, throw tantrums and spiral down one futile abyss after the other. The shadow side of Scorpio season is a relentless need to control each situation. Ya can’t. You can only control how you feel. To invite in enough space to transform I suggest embracing sensual activities (use those 5 senses!). Take a bath, have an orgasm, play with essential oil, trade massages or enjoy a decadent, fortifying meal.  Give yourself permission to push yourself into your new life. Release control, evolve your passion!!

Graphic From:  @wild.divine.feminine

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