Semi Woo Moon Reading: Super Full Worm Moon in Libra

Semi Woo Moon Reading: Super Full Worm Moon in Libra

Happy Super Full Worm Moon in Libra! The ground, skies and waters are waking back up which means We are too. Excitement, lust, ideas, curiosity, growth, creativity is popping up in the areas of life where you don’t have a clenched fist. Optimism is high and the Aries “Can-Do” Spirit is burning with energy around all our lives.

Harness that fire and apply it the lovely balanced winds of this Libra Full Moon.  Libra energy is balanced yet, oh so curious and delightfully diverse. Libra energy wants to have it all and by golly, they usually do, as Air signs have a magical ability to morph and meld (i.e. adapt). 

2020 was the Master Class on Adaptability and we had to take that journey on for sheer survival! (Last year you learned to balance, pivot, use critical thinking skills, get creative, course correct, be patient and watch things unfold)

How can you apply the skills you’ve developed to magnify and support parts of yourself that are Uniquely You (FYBY: For You, By You) and then spread that magic to your community? 

This is the Perfect Aries/Libra Mashup: Individual Spirit Meets The Village!


  1. Sometimes we get off on how much we can grind, stretch and suffer. That’s one of the quickest ways to diminish your authentic flame (Don’t dole out so much of yourself that you can’t find your Center with ease)

  2. Balance is not a destination, it’s a state (Repeat when needed after one long deep breath)

  3. Do not make your friends or relationships your PROJECT. Find better balance in how you relate by making things more mutual (i.e. Accept help if you often support others, offer help if you’re often supported) 

  4. Release grudges! Erase and discard scoreboards!

  5. Cultivate peace in the minute parts of your life (be at peace with your hair, be at peace with your neighbors, be at peace with delayed shipping lol)

Have a rich time of release, reset and a really good time building your inner fire!!! Need a playlist to your full moon day?? Check out HOUSEpitality on Twitch and get your groove on all with live DJ’s streaming in the beats. More info via on Instagram with the link right in the bio:)

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