All tagged perspectives

Moon Reading: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini! This intense, future flowing Air sign offers lessons around communication, expression and life's inherent dichotomy. And it’s all happening during Mercury Retrograde (gifting us challenges with communication and asking us to reflect) and during a Solar Eclipse (a potent time to create new inner change and transformation). The Twins are serving up a five alarm Duality Soup! Read on for more insight into this current time.

Perspective Collecting: Where are the best summers?

What if neither of us had to be "right" and we just got to enjoy each others unique perspectives, our heart filled takes on the same thing (and an awesome thing no less!). The best that could happen is that you get an even broader understanding on what makes summer so incredibly amazing. I'd love to hear more about our planets incredible summers so if you feel like sharing your unique perspective please leave it in the comments below!!

Deep Friendship Healing in the Desert

I just spent a week of expansion and healing with one of my closest friends, spirit sister and long time creative project partner. We spent time talking deeply and openly, partaking in a few plant medicine ceremonies and in meditation in San Diego, Palm Desert and Joshua Tree. WE ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE than when we started the week.